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  1. #11

    maka remember na nuon ko atong salida na flubber.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by rodsky View Post
    IMHO the Transition is more of a "drivable airplane" than a flying car. By calling the Transition a "flying car" (i.e. taking into consideration its characteristics/capabilities), then you can therefore say that an ordinary Cessna 182 Skylane 4-seat aircraft to be a "flying car"--why? Because both do this:

    Cessna 182
    1. Needs a runway to take off from
    2. Needs a runway to land on
    3. Cannot take off from a regular straight paved road on a regular day
    4. Can take off from a regular straight paved road in an emergency

    1. Needs a runway to take off from
    2. Needs a runway to land on
    3. Cannot take off from a regular straight paved road on a regular day
    4. Can take off from a regular straight paved road in an emergency

    The only thing the Transition does differently is, it can taxi all the way from the runway to your house. That's it.

    So, again, if the Transition is your definition of a flying car, then this is also a flying car:

    It is a flying car, because...

    Cessna 182
    5. Cant be park in a small car garage.
    6. Wings are permanent
    7. Design is Aircraft.
    8. Doesnt have Standard Automobile Shift Gears.
    9. only 3 wheels
    10. Can only refill Gas in a particular place in the Airport.

    Flying Car
    5. Can be park in a small car garage.
    6. Wings can be folded.
    7. Design is similar to Car.
    8. Its got Standard Automobile Shift Gears.
    9. its got 4 wheels like a standard car.
    10. Can refill Gas in any standard Gasoline Station.

    Thats why I agree how YAHOO calls it.
    Last edited by orcgod; 07-03-2010 at 10:15 AM.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by orcgod View Post
    It is a flying car, because...
    Flying Car
    5. Can be park in a small car garage.
    6. Wings can be folded.
    7. Design is similar to Car.
    8. Its got Standard Automobile Shift Gears.
    9. its got 4 wheels like a standard car.
    10. Can refill Gas in any standard Gasoline Station.

    Thats why I agree how YAHOO calls it.
    So basically it's just a small airplane made to look like a car?

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by doomsweek View Post
    So basically it's just a small airplane made to look like a car?
    for me lang ha, its not a small airplane made to look like a car,

    its half car, because it has Standard Manual Shift Gears, and half plane because it has Airplane Controls too.

    So its half/half, you cant say small airplane...look like car, nor car looks like airplane. its simply Airplane Car.

    OT gamay mods ha...

    Mura Lycan ug Vampire combined ba. A Lypire, hehe, if there is such word.
    Last edited by orcgod; 07-03-2010 at 12:29 PM.

  5. #15
    ... hehehehe .. i think it's a plane..

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by wolfbem View Post
    ... hehehehe .. i think it's a plane..
    Half True. When you say its 100% Airplane, it cannot park anywhere else but the Airport.

    If you look at the video, it parked in a small Car Garage. So how would you explain it?

  7. #17
    it's an Air Car..

  8. #18
    heheh dliman matawag nga fyling car kay need pa run way mura raman ug jet

  9. #19
    C.I.A. rodsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by orcgod View Post
    So how would you explain it?
    Simple. It's an aircraft than can be driven from the tarmac and parked in a garage, ergo "drivable airplane". The true "flying car" concept still forces the layman to think about a vehicle that has the ability to take off from anywhere (i.e. road, field, and if VTOL, from a basketball court), and not just a runway (which is for aircraft).

    Last edited by rodsky; 07-07-2010 at 07:06 AM.

  10. #20
    eroplano mna uy.. haha..

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