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looks like your dog is allergic to chicken next question would be what else?
i believe some dog breeds are pre disposed to be more allergic compared to others. ex. some dobermans are allergic to fleas.
it could always be an environmental issue. the place your dog is staying. is it dry, damp, humid or full of plants maybe.
if it really bothers you the easiest way would be having your dog check with the vet.
because in the long run the experimenting with different dog foods and the frustrations of failing to identify what really is the cause of the problem and the walfare of your dog may be more costly than having an allergy test.
already had her checked by a vet three times and still no cure they just keep selling me their dogfood. I had her checked by CVD. i think I'd better see another vet. she stays in our kitchen by the way and only goes out to poop and when walked.