wohohohoho....... mag outing ang NU chat rockers this sunday sa Karancho beach..---
wohohohoho....... mag outing ang NU chat rockers this sunday sa Karancho beach..---
^^ kuyog tang tanan ani..ask sa ta pila ila amot..hehehe...^_^..
atay ani yawa di ko kauban team building me sa maribago blue waters huhuhu...saunzzzz..ang mga girls ron fish tea...sila tinky czarina cebuana og marizh...
kanus-a lang ang NU nag-open balik sa Cebu? i was shocked to hear them on air sa taxi going home, that they are back here sa cebu...i am there listener though since 1991 or 1992 bah..then ng-close sila diri sa cebu, sa ayala man sauna ila office..asa na ang NU nag-office karon?
3rd level Luym brah ..apas namo karancho dd2 ron 150 ra amot sa Rockquaintance na a ko direh karon sa Maribago BlueWaters atay nag team building me..grrrr peskot ...suway ko dalikyat dd2 ron sa karancho langyon nako..
Anyone have an idea what's the title of that heavy song played in NU these days?...tagsa ra man gd e play basta maypagka..Lamb of God
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