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  1. #771

    I just want to add this in, at this point in time...


    On the one hand, you'd read from Jesus very clear hints about His Second Coming. It was to occur within the lifetime of those to whom he was addressing the prophecy.

    Matthew 6:34
    Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.
    Matthew 10:23
    Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.
    Matthew 16:28
    Verily I say unto you, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.
    Matthew 24:34
    Verily I say unto you, THIS GENERATION shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
    All these statements surely sound like the Second Coming was to occur really soon. BUT HERE'S THE CONTRADICTION WHICH EVERY BIBLE FUNDAMENTALIST LOVE TO POINT OUT, when confronted with the above verses...

    Matthew 24:36
    But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
    However, MATTHEW 24:36 does not get you away from Matthew 6:34 (Take therefore no thought for the morrow)...IF NO ONE KNOWS WHEN THE SECOND COMING IS GOING TO COME, THEN WHY TAKE NO THOUGHT FOR TOMORROW? Isn't that an irresponsible advice to give? That means take no thought for your children's future, take no thought for investing...

    The contradiction just ties you up in knots.

  2. #772
    Quote Originally Posted by schmuck View Post
    This is very important. Why do you say unicorns, vampires and His Noodlyness the FSM aren't real?
    Give specific answers.
    ah so you believe that they are real? what's the real score? no specific answers be given till you can established your argument properly.

  3. #773
    Quote Originally Posted by INRI View Post
    Ok..I will not dig in to your bat and snake argument..para dili nata mag balik2x
    I think schmuck nailed it when he told you to stop comparing your god to tangible/testable object

    And yah I spent almost all of my life as a christian and went to the church almost every sunday but the more I spent my time in that place the more I doubt about his existence..

    may i ask where is that proof?
    you think so? sorry I think he missed it.

    why should I stop? the only way for guys like you to have a good understanding of God is to use ordinary objects as illustrations so you can catch the idea being given. Or maybe you want it stop bcos its too clear and precise? no?

    Yah I have heard that story many times already BUT unfortunately we cant use it as evidence that there is no God. yes? no?

    where is the proof? ow scroll up a little bit, you'll find some suggestions that you might want to try.

  4. #774
    nice arguMents ........... sensiBle exchange,

    hope us guys wiLL be sensible enough not to spaRk a heated one ....

    keeP it aLL coOL share lang ............. -=)

  5. #775
    Quote Originally Posted by hitch22 View Post
    Darwin's Theory of Evolution is not part of mainstream science? HERE WE GO AGAIN. It seems you've just joined the conversation. Let me just paste here AGAIN what the National Academy of Sciences say about the Theory of Evolution (read the whole article here: Is Evolution a Theory or a Fact?):
    Did I say that? hmmm??

    Quote Originally Posted by hitch22
    AND..FOR THE NTH TIME...The most elite scientific organization in the world today is the National Academy of Sciences.
    I remember 911, C.I.A considered to be as one of the elite organization failed to detect the terrorists' attack. Their gadgets and intel had flaws.

    Quote Originally Posted by hitch22
    DARWIN'S THEORY, NOT A SCIENCE? THE NAS DOESN'T THINK SO. It has been upheld unanimously in the mainstream scientific community that the Theory of Evolution is the unifying principle that binds every sub-branches of biology, from agriculture to genetics. ENOUGH SAID. Please don't bring up that lie that Evolutionary Biology is not a science. BUT I DARE SAY, CREATIONISM/INTELLIGENT DESIGN IS A PSEUDO-SCIENCE. Check this out: List of topics characterized as pseudoscience (Look under the topic of "Creation Science").

    Mind you, religious belief does not have to be irreconcilable with the Theory of Evolution. I've already posted this link several times: The Vatican claims Darwin's theory of evolution is compatible with Christianity. And I've already mentioned prominent religious Christians who are believers in Darwin's Theories, namely Francis Collins (a Christian Evangelical who co-headed the Human Genome Project), Ken Miller (A Roman Catholic and a biology professor who testified against the Intelligent Design Theory in the Dover Trial), Fr. George Coyne (a Jesuit priest and astronomer) and many others.
    woooopsy...Biology is Science..Darwin's Evolution is purely philosophical. Creationism/ID is not science but they are using science against Darwinism. Why NAS favor Darwinians,well I guess the reason is obvious. There is no need for explanation.

    well the Vatican can say what they want.

    by the way let me remind you...that in discussions like this appealing to popularity is considered a logical fallacy. Just bcos so and so have said this is and that is false doesn't mean that the statement is already true. tho it would help your argument look smart.

  6. #776
    Quote Originally Posted by LOLzZz View Post
    ah so you believe that they are real? what's the real score? no specific answers be given till you can established your argument properly.
    So, you put out a claim like "The fact remains nobody has proven beyond reasonable doubt that God does not exist."
    I show you some examples on how your reasoning can be used on a variety of things(vampires, unicorns, His Noodlyness The FSM etc)
    You accused me of wrong reasoning. Claimed that:
    "It has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that unicorns,Vampires,FSM arent real"

    And then I ask you what said proof was, and you reply by asking me if I believe? Whether I believe or not is not the issue here. They are just examples I used to counter your claim. The main point here is for you to defend YOUR reasoning(hint: the one in navy). comprendes?
    Last edited by schmuck; 06-21-2010 at 09:12 PM.

  7. #777
    Quote Originally Posted by LOLzZz View Post
    Did I say that? hmmm??

    I remember 911, C.I.A considered to be as one of the elite organization failed to detect the terrorists' attack. Their gadgets and intel had flaws.

    woooopsy...Biology is Science..Darwin's Evolution is purely philosophical. Creationism/ID is not science but they are using science against Darwinism. Why NAS favor Darwinians,well I guess the reason is obvious. There is no need for explanation.

    well the Vatican can say what they want.

    by the way let me remind you...that in discussions like this appealing to popularity is considered a logical fallacy. Just bcos so and so have said this is and that is false doesn't mean that the statement is already true. tho it would help your argument look smart.
    If you look at it at face-value, it will appear like its committing the logical fallacy of Appeal to Authority. But anyone who has an understanding of how these institutions work would know, for something to be "favored" there(NAS), it has to undergo extensive peer-review(kasabot ka ani?) scrutinized, tested and deemed sound. So no, its not an appeal to authority. Wrong. Try again.

  8. #778
    Quote Originally Posted by hitch22 View Post

    Before there was science, religion and "ancient shamans" had all the "answers". When the welfare of the community was left entirely on their hands, the human race, on the average, barely lived beyond 40. When the question of causation was left entirely to them, we thought that plagues and terrible natural calamities were punishments from God...and numerous human sacrifices had to be made because it was believed to calm down the angry God.

    They cooked up all sorts of silly beliefs. Medieval Christians used to believe that the earth was flat or that earth was at the center of the universe, and that the planets moved around the earth through the pressure exerted by the angels (now laughably known as the Theory of Angelic Pressure).

    Insanity used to be thought by medieval Christians to be due to possession by devils. It was believed that any pain suffered by the patient would also be felt by the devils, so that the best cure was to make the patient suffer so much that the devils would feel too uncomfortable and abandon his body. The insane, in accordance with this theory, were therefore savagely beaten. This treatment was tried on King George III when he was mad...but unfortunately without success.

    When anaesthetics were first discovered, the religious decreed that using such drug was an attempt to evade the will of God. Men were exempted from this decree, because they pointed out that when God pulled out Adam's rib, He put him to sleep first. Women, however, had to suffer because of the curse of Eve.

    Benjamin Franklin's lightning rod was likewise condemned by the clergy, both in England and America. They saw it as an attempt to defeat the will of God. They believed that lightning was sent by God to punish the impious or the grave sinners. The virtuous, they say, are never struck by lightning. Therefore if God wants to strike lightning at any one, we should not defeat His will because that's tantamount to helping criminals escape.

    When the philosophy of St. Augustine, the man who proudly proclaimed "I am a man of one book (the Bible)", used to hold sway, the religious burned down libraries and books. Augustine also introduced the term "limbo", the destination of un-baptized children. What NON-SENSE! These are things nobody really knows about.

    They used to think there were such things as witches ( BECAUSE THE BIBLE SAID SO...see Exodus 22:18 ), and so they burned whole hordes of them. They used to think that boiling or burning people alive was a way of cleansing their they thought they were doing the heretics a favor. During the Inquisition, they forced Jews to convert to Christianity. They rounded the Jews up in tightly-guarded ghettos and they'd hang pork on their door. If the Jews were caught practicing Judaism (by not eating pork, for example), they were convicted of heresy and consequently executed for it. Or what about the medieval belief in Indulgences? The Popes used to peddle Indulgences to mobilize the infamous Crusades, which saw Jews, Arabs, Muslims and Greek Christians massacred on its trail. They also used to think slavery was okay because the Bible doesn't condemn it but regulated it (see Exodus 21:20-21)...and on and on and on.

    St. Thomas Aquinas, the prominent Catholic thinker, was not all that wise in his thinking, either. Aquinas spent a lot of time contemplating on useless stuffs like "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?". He used to struggle with the question of HOW WOULD GOD DEAL WITH THE CANNIBALS? It was believed in those days that, on the Day of Judgment, every particle of the deceased body would be re-assembled. That was the early justification against cremation (though it's curious why Omnipotence could assemble a decayed body but not one that's been subjected to combustion). Aquinas imagines a cannibal who, by practice, eats human flesh. What's to become of the people he ate, on Judgment Day? Aquinas figures that every piece of the cannibal would rightfully be used to re-constitute the people he ate. But then he stumbles into a dead-end. If every part of the cannibal would go to his victims, what's left of the cannibal? How is he going to be properly roasted in hell, if all of his body is used up for his victims?

    We continue to see such idiotic nonsense spewed from religious blabber-mouths. A couple of months ago, Pat Robertson blamed the Haiti earthquake on the pact Haitians made with the devil in order to throw off French rule in the 18th century. We read about the Pope condemning condoms as worse than AIDS. Or what about the Vatican banning books and taking childish offense over movies like Harry Potter and The Golden Compass? Come to think of it, it wasn't long ago that the Vatican called rock music as the devil's music, inventing non-sense methods like back-masking to hear the devil's message. We also hear about an Iranian cleric uttering the non-sense that promiscuous women cause earthquakes. Or what about the non-sense from a Muslim cleric in the UK who said that the problem of rape is not the rapist but un-covered meat?

    Its true that there were silly stuffs practiced by Religious people of long time ago. Science did a great job in exposing the myths and we thank the people behind it. But I think that its wrong to blame Religion, if there is to blame its the theologians,priests,bishops.

    You talk as if Science is infallible. Science have their own share of mistakes and myths.

  9. #779
    Quote Originally Posted by LOLzZz View Post
    Its true that there were silly stuffs practiced by Religious people of long time ago. Science did a great job in exposing the myths and we thank the people behind it. But I think that its wrong to blame Religion, if there is to blame its the theologians,priests,bishops.

    You talk as if Science is infallible. Science have their own share of mistakes and myths.
    The thing is, Science does not claim to be infallible. That's religion's forte. Woops again?
    Science prides itself in being falsifiable. Religion demands "unquestioning faith" even in the face of evidence that contradict its claims.

  10. #780
    Quote Originally Posted by schmuck View Post
    So, you put out a claim like "The fact remains nobody has proven beyond reasonable doubt that God does not exist."
    I show you some examples on how your reasoning can be used on a variety of things(vampires, unicorns, His Noodlyness The FSM etc)
    You accused me of wrong reasoning. Claimed that:
    "It has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that unicorns,Vampires,FSM arent real"

    And then I ask you what said proof was, and you reply by asking me if I believe? Whether I believe or not is not the issue here. They are just examples I used to counter your claim. The main point here is for you to defend YOUR reasoning(hint: the one in navy). comprendes?
    oh that's wrong,your comparison is wrong so wrong. Your problem is this, youre using characters w/c are found in mythology. what is a mythology? those characters are a well established figures in mythology.

    now with God its different, He is called the life giver and we can see the evidence of that proposition, you are breathing and alive. He is the Creator and we can see that right here, you are in it.

    your using an outdated defense dude.

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