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  1. #1

    Default Athlon II X3 440 or X4 630?

    aha mas maau nila? 3G ang x3 ang x4 kai 2.8G....tabang! hahahaha

  2. #2
    If the game app is not multi-core optimized, the higher clocked procie is faster. If it is, the quad-core may have the upperhand in most apps/games. But difference is quite minimal.

  3. #3
    If price is to be set aside... I would choose Athlon II X4 630 the more the processing cores the better. As regards to core speed: 2.8Ghz against 3.0Ghz the difference is only quite small 0.2Ghz or 200Mhz. Moreover, with the 2.8Ghz core speed you can always overclock it to 3.0Ghz or even higher together with a good cpu cooler.

    Anyways, nag-plano ka mopalit ani bro? Unsa na pc store namaligya ug Athlon II X3 440? pila sad ila price?

  4. #4
    athlon x3 440 imho, gaming, price guapo kaau, stock 3ghz,

    athlon x4 630 general purpose quaddy.
    Last edited by Merman; 06-20-2010 at 11:02 PM.

  5. #5
    Athlon X3 440 ko. as per toms hardware.. bang for the buck jud xa... pero asa ta maka palit ani?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by lazaro4ever View Post
    Athlon X3 440 ko. as per toms hardware.. bang for the buck jud xa... pero asa ta maka palit ani?
    Try Cebu Appliance Center brad..they have wide arrays of processor sa ilang mga listahan or kung wala you can have it on order basis for sure naa jud na..

    @topic Para nko I go with X4..4 cores unlocked..pretty sweet...

  7. #7
    Quad == Future proof

  8. #8
    @devilsburger: Asa man ni dapita ang Cebu Appliance Center?

    did a little research.. and I found out that x3 440 is a better choice for gaming against x4 630
    hers's the link: Best Gaming CPU: $90-$110 : Best Gaming CPUs For The Money: May 2010

    Quoting the article mention above "Frankly, the high clock rate of the Athlon II X3 440 allows it to perform better than an Athlon II X4 630 at stock frequencies in a great majority of games."

  9. #9
    okies.. i'll check with sir andz... thanks for the advice...

    i'm planning to replace my old E7200 rig man jud.. la pay budget..

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by play_chess23 View Post
    If price is to be set aside... I would choose Athlon II X4 630 the more the processing cores the better. As regards to core speed: 2.8Ghz against 3.0Ghz the difference is only quite small 0.2Ghz or 200Mhz. Moreover, with the 2.8Ghz core speed you can always overclock it to 3.0Ghz or even higher together with a good cpu cooler.

    Anyways, nag-plano ka mopalit ani bro? Unsa na pc store namaligya ug Athlon II X3 440? pila sad ila price?
    kita ko sa price list sa GI, wa pa noun ko katawag para i confirm if naa ba jud sila stock... 3,795 man sa ila site... mahadlok ko mag OC gud... d bah mu ubos ang lifespan sa procie if mag OC?

    Quote Originally Posted by blizzaga4 View Post
    Quad == Future proof
    mao pud lagi... future proof jud... naa bah athlon X4 na 3.0G? mahal au phenom gud....

    Quote Originally Posted by play_chess23 View Post
    @devilsburger: Asa man ni dapita ang Cebu Appliance Center?

    did a little research.. and I found out that x3 440 is a better choice for gaming against x4 630
    hers's the link: Best Gaming CPU: $90-$110 : Best Gaming CPUs For The Money: May 2010

    Quoting the article mention above "Frankly, the high clock rate of the Athlon II X3 440 allows it to perform better than an Athlon II X4 630 at stock frequencies in a great majority of games."

    TY sa link bro...

  11.    Advertisement

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