"BiGFOOT : An Average Looking Lab with an Extraordinary Human Heart"

Coping with and Surviving "Brain Tumor" hasn't been easy for me... "Bigfoot" makes me laugh
no matter how am feeling...
Studies have shown that stroking an animal is beneficial to people's health and well being...
Having a cuddle with "bigfoot", my waggy and happy lab, has lifted my spirits in those trying
times... I know God gave him to me for a reason... and I know this was it... He was destined
to be my Best Pal, a true friend who can stand by me in sickness and in health…
Bigfoot is already 8 years old now and may have grown wrinkles and white hairs on his face...
But in my heart he will always be the best looking lab and no other dog could ever measure
up to him... I am still looking forward to living a lot more years with him...
With Bigfoot after my 2nd brain surgery...
"The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world is his DOG."
Big foot's mission and purpose with me is over and done with...lyk i said, God gave him to me, to be with me at the toughest times in my life (he was there in the course of 3 brain surgeries and radiation therapy)... and now that i am doing a bit okey, its about time i return him back to God... i will truly miss him and no matter how i wanted him to be with me forever, i perfectly understand, somebody "Up there" loves him so much more than i do... Thank you Bigfoot for giving so much joy to our family!...you will always have a special place in our hearts....
With Bigfoot gone... These are the other guys on my team, my inspiration,
helping me out as i journey towards full recovery...
Headshot of Simon and Me after my 4th brain surgery...
Simon has taught me to be resilient after all these years...
Silver, always the "cool guy", has taught me to never crack under pressure!
"Big Ones Freaky Silver"
"Shake" (Big Ones Mighty Baba), now 9 years old... Bigfoot's bestfriend...
Jet Li. I didn't have to undergo rehab, he's my walking companion everyday...
"Storm" (Big One's Formula One)... He drag races around the house,
and always has this illusion that he is Storm Schumacher...
Always the funny guy, never fails to lighten up my day!