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  1. #71
    C.I.A. acecrystal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackjellybean27 View Post
    korek pod ka sis...
    ingon cla once a cheater always a cheater daw.. mu agree ko ug mu disagree. k cheater man ko before.. i mean not like i cheated on a lot of guys ha hehehe.. twice lang jud... pero karon k even though d perfect ang present relationship ko, ug masakpan pa jud nako mag biga2x, k d naman ko mag cheat.. like feeling ko im just lowering myself to cheaters level bah...
    i know my bf now is too busy and always too tired to cheat on me, but what if there will come a time na d na sya busy at work... hahay nalng..
    d man gud sayon leaving someone you love
    ahahahaha! kalingaw ani ui..reading ur post.... mao sad nuon sa... but so far, about cheater ky i think tnuod na sis, "once a cheater always a cheater"... it cud start with simple lies, nga di na jud ma undang ba....

    at least ikw ng change jud ka dba?

  2. #72
    sa mg bf nd gf pa naa times mo cheat ang guys because kita siya maa ok pa sa iya gf..and wen masakpan kung buwagan siya oki rana nila total naa naman sila jud lain saying this kay ako bf b4 naa siya gf but pg court niya nko aware ko naa siya gf nya ok rako but nasakpan man siya so ngbuwag nlang sila so kami na. it hapens wen im still 20yrs old ato so naka tink ko nga dli pajud mi matured ato mao naka cheat siya..but kung naa naka sa stage nga 25 up nya mg cheat ang guy cguro na tintal lang jud na kay naa mga girls kusug kau mg flirt maski they know taken naa ang guy..paets....

  3. #73
    C.I.A. acecrystal's Avatar
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    usahay kay sa makauna lang...nyahahaha! ug sa masakpan lang.....

  4. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by acecrystal View Post
    ahahahaha! kalingaw ani ui..reading ur post.... mao sad nuon sa... but so far, about cheater ky i think tnuod na sis, "once a cheater always a cheater"... it cud start with simple lies, nga di na jud ma undang ba....

    at least ikw ng change jud ka dba?
    mao jud..
    tapos dapat cheaters should always be busy hahaha!
    para wla time mu cheat... ug dili ma bored...
    k boredom is one thing or one reason why men (or women) cheat....

  5. #75
    C.I.A. acecrystal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackjellybean27 View Post
    mao jud..
    tapos dapat cheaters should always be busy hahaha!
    para wla time mu cheat... ug dili ma bored...
    k boredom is one thing or one reason why men (or women) cheat....
    mao sad sis... hala u mao diay cheater to sya ky stuck in a pathetic company....nyahahaha

  6. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by holygrailofsarcasm View Post
    Cheating has a lot to do with male insecurity and the desire to win. Childhood teaches boys that winning and achievement are what defines them, and this way of thinking influences their adult behavior.

    Men are much more emotional than women realize. Husbands regard pleasing their wives as akin to 'winning.' If they feel valued, they won't stray; but if they feel under-appreciated they turn elsewhere or behave in ways that push their wives away. Men who try to please their wives but are met with criticism begin to think they can't win.

    Appreciation is what they first and foremost get from the mistress!

    this is really a mind opener..

  7. #77
    basta mga wife nga bungagero mag cheat jud ang husband ana..

  8. #78
    To have an excitement and thrilling relationship just like movies... To have a satisfaction! Tilaw sad lain putahe bah!

  9. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by SaywatUwant View Post
    Women are cheaters also..

    this not a topic about WHO are the cheaters but WHY do people cheat. please think about your comments before you post em

  10. #80
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    Because it gives them a sense/illusion of superiority...

    They thrive on knowing the many people they are playing in the palm of their hands...
    Their usually laid-back attitudes makes them think that it is alright to fool around...
    Usually shallow themselves, they won't hesitate on tricking another because they think their prey is beneath them which is so wrong because their prey learn from their mistakes and actually end up as better people.

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