there is always a right tool for the right job...
when your on photography the right tools for you will be a camera and lens...
photoshop will be your tool for enhancing...
you cannot capture moments using photoshop alone
but you can enhance it by the help of it...
photography is not cheap... all gears cost you money even photoshop is not cheap except if you bought it in your suking japeyks tindahan
now which is more reliable?
photoshop or lenses?
if you invest on lenses you can use it for years
if you invest in softwares you need to consider upgrades and of course your rigs
a new version of photoshop will be obsolete next few months or so...
you can mimic expensive lens using photoshop but the output will not be natural...
dave hill invest on lens, lights, camera, light modifier and time scouting on locations, a right time to shoot, choosing his subjects, and planning on his theme of course he also invest his time on post processing but before he jumps on to post processing all of his shots are properly delivered, properly lit, composed, etc.