OMG grabe pod sa family mo... d na baya ni normal...
nagsakit heart ko with your sad story...
i guess you find it hard to report them to them to the authorities as well ??
sis, this is physical and emotional abuse.... and i think you can't bring yourself to sue them for all the pain that you went through.. but if you have the courage and the willingess to put a stop to this kind of thing, i suggest you report them. i was thinking na what if it was one of your nieces or nephews who will go through the same thing if ever you decide to leave them? luoy pod...
i don't mean that as a revenge for all the things they did to you.. do what's right lang unta...
anyway i'm not that familiar with the law ha, but if you want to be safe from them, there's some sort of order that can keep them away from you.. i think it's called restraining order. correct me if i'm wrong ha...basta you can specify na they can't be within 100 meters from you, something like that..
it's time we put a stop to domestic violence sis... i don't come from a family like that (thank God) but i feel strongly for battered women and children jud...
please think about the right thing to do okay... good luck sis!