Originally Posted by
Trust me. I'm not taking any of these personally. I'm having fun shredding every possible opposing arguments to ribbons.
That is good for you since a lot of people here are counting to be more smarter than REAL SCIENTIST and the SCHOLARS of the church . AT least we can all justify that we only portray here our personal opinions and nothing else slash copy and pasted articles as references .
First of all, I'm not trying to shove Darwin's Theory of Evolution down people's throats. If you've followed my conversations with robert_papalid_ece, for example, you can see that I've always emphasized the "non-overlapping magisteria" between science and religion...because they're not supposed to overlap. It's when religious apologists suddenly start making judgments about a very well-respected scientific theory that I contest such matters.
Uhm ... did I tell my statement as a reference to your arguments ? I am being neutral here because we all know mura ni ug AKP and TGP , SKEPTCIS and BELIEVERS , THEIST and ATHEIST ... they share something in common ... walay kahumanan na lalis if participated by people na puro bright .
On a different note ... true that they dont overlap but they have to work hand in hand . Both has to co exist .
Secondly, as long as you say that your faith is incompatible with the Theory of Evolution, I will always respect that distance. But when somebody advances "Intelligent Design" (aka Creationism) to supplant Darwin's Theory, then you're essentially going up against the heavyweights of evolutionary biology like Craig Venter, Massimo Pigliucci, Richard Lewontin, Jerry Coyne, Richard Dawkins, and even our very own homegrown Dr. Michael Purugganan...as well as the National Academy of Sciences, with its 200 Nobel-prize winning scientists.
We have to understand that these are all MAN MADE so ang convictions kay kutob ra pod sa capacity of the human mind and thinking . The awards , achievements , names , organizations etc are all man made . There is something beyond that what it makes not man made because it is not beyond the capacity of the man made science explanations . Mao na diha mo sidestep ang " FAITH " because it is UNEXPLAINABLE due to the lesser capacity of thinking maski i volt in pa ang tanan utok sa mga gipang nganlan nimo na scientist and achievers to think , explain and come up with a conclusion and at the end of the day , weeks , months , years , decades , centuries etc .. still empty handed .
Thirdly, it is a valid statement to say EVOLUTION IS TRUE. Take Jerry Coyne's book: WHY EVOLUTION IS TRUE.
That is his only and nobody else . That is his conviction as an author gathering up all the " evidences " he can to validated his claim . Of course you , agrees with it because it favors your opinion so maka ingon ta na medyo bias .
Lastly, there is a lot of misconception about the term SCIENTIFIC THEORY. Please do not confuse this with Webster's definition. At best, when Webster's define esoteric terms that belong to the phraseology of specific domains, they're only giving a layman's definition. Take the Webster's definition of "Economics". I'm sure Economists would find such definition a bit simplistic.
That is the whole point . To elaborate terms in laymans terms aron makasabot ang tanan . Maybe you are disagreeing what it portrays but I am pretty sure you agree what it defines .
Let me ask you this ... did it follow the characteristics and elements of the conduction research to become a valid SCIENTIFIC THEORY ? I guess if it is then it is valid but then it remains a THEORY as long as there is no CONCLUSION . FInd me a link where the THEORY is already CONCLUDED ... that would be IRONIC right but then if it takes for that route for me to rest the case ... that would also be in behalf of the CREATIONIST . Everybody happy hehehe .
What really gets me is when people say Evolution is just a theory. Evolution is a FACT. THE THEORY EXPLAINS THE PHENOMENON. It's like gravity. Gravity is a fact. If anyone doesn't believe in gravity, then he can go jump out the window and find out. Likewise, if anyone doesn't believe in evolution, then try not completing your antibiotics course the next time you have a bacterial infection and see if those bacteria would develop drug-resistance.
That is out of the topic when talking about EVOLUTION . It makes things complicated because thats where SCIENTIST edges on not like minded or should I say not as smart as they " FAITH BELIEVERS " just to make them shut up . Trust me , it takes a lot . Anyways ... how about a simpler logic . EVOLUTION is a FACT ... true because we see things evolved around us , some even MUTATED but the point is ... we are comparing the EVOLUTION of LIFE and the STORY of the CREATION which we all know didnt really exist unless you understand the bible literally but ... BUT if you also say that we all came from the monkeys , ngano ni hunong man ta ug pagka TAO ? Shouldnt we supposed to evolve mor einto something more of a SUPER HUMAN RACE ? mao na akong gipasabot ... we are all caught up in the middle .
I don't want to sound like I'm shoving this down people's throat. If you'll say "AS A MATTER OF FAITH, I CANNOT ACCEPT THAT THEORY," then we can get along fine. Again, non-overlapping magisteria. Just take this similar stance of Kurt Wise, a scientist with a B.A. from University of Chicago and a Ph.D. from Harvard:
In other words, religious apologists don't need evidence or persuasion or credible sources that support Darwin's Theory. Their choice not to believe in the Theory of Evolution is not a matter of science...but a matter of incompatibility with their FAITH.
Actually ... there is no need for me to opined but still I quoted it because I could really care less about that person having BA from University of Chicago and a PHD from HARVARD . He is nothing different from the rest of the people I know who has the same status as him but from different schools .
Sir, before I forget, the Vatican finds no incompatibility between Darwin's Theory of Evolution and the Roman Catholic faith. I've already posted that many times.
That doesnt stop me from being a THEIST and INCLINING a LEVERAGE that I am more into accepting EVOLUTION that CREATION .
If, like bungot25, you choose to disagree with the Vatican...kay dili kuno "from the chair" (ex cathedra)...then obviously I won't argue with that.
Sometimes ... our religion dictates us what is right or wrong to the point mag ka interchange na . Thas why I am more comfortable sa EVOLUTION because I have the freedom of keeping my faith but still working on science on whats best to come .
Even Francis Collins, co-founder of the Human Genome Project with Craig Venter, is a Christian Evangelical and a believer in Darwin's Theory as well. That only proves that you can be a believer and still accept the fact-hood of Darwin's Theory.
Thanks for hearing me out.
That is the whole point why I voiced out other than giving a warning to those ma mersonal and insulto na ang comments . Its not you though ... but for everyone . Just a healthy discussion lang ta diri .