New leaders soon to take place.
Walang Corrupt, Walang Mahirap (Noynoy), Gaganda ang Buhay (Binay)! FEASIBLE? How?
New leaders soon to take place.
Walang Corrupt, Walang Mahirap (Noynoy), Gaganda ang Buhay (Binay)! FEASIBLE? How?
im keeping my fingers crossed. god bless the philippines. lol
lets just see if unsai buhaton sa atong bag-ong president ug sa atong vice president..
tsk . . walang corrupt? mmmm. . impossible. .
lets see....
easier said than done :P
hoping for the best!
Noynoy: Walang Corrupt, walang mahirap. Walang nagawa, walang magagwa. wala wala. kayoy kawawa. wala wala wala.hehehhe
100% corruption free... that's impossible. Corruption reduction... possible.
Corruption can never be eradicated but can be lessen depends on the leaders and the system of Government. I hope an action will be taken for this.
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