the catholic faith heirarchy should be scratching their heads over this current controversy involving one of their staunchest supporters - Mayor Soc Fernandez. they should be ashamed at what this fellow is doing or how he is handling the matters involving Joavan. In putting a lamest alibi such as "wala may yellow line surrounding sa awto" mao iya lang giderecho kuha whatever butang sulod sa awto ni joavan is downright D UMBASS. youre supposed to be the Mayor, and at the very least, youre expected to uphold the law, not break it or show the temerity to disregard it.
Mayor Soc, tanan nimung gipangbuhat paglaban sa imong anak, manumbalik na nimu ug abi ba nimo imu nakatabang ka sa imung anak ing-ana? NOPE! imu pa gani siya gitubay sa mas dautang buhat. kana kabalo mi, kabalo ka nga gidili na sa mga aral sa Ginoo ug sa bibliya. Kanus-a pa ka magmata brod?
you have transformed from a consenting father into a obnoxious criminal coddler.