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  1. #221

    Always ask about finances for everything done in the hospital. Most of us often ignore the finances only to be shocked it has ballooned so much. Halos kada lihok, naa gyud na bayad. Hospitals don't give sh!t whether you live or die, they only care whether you can pay or not. Just put in mind that hospitals are not meant solely for healing people, it is a business institution with a primary goal of making profits. Without profits, the hospital will cease to exist.

    @Joan: pwede bya na ninyu makiha for negligence ang doctor sa chong hua. but from another angle, they couldn't do anything for your aunt considering 4th stage cancer.

  2. #222
    There is actually a Philippine law that obliges all hospitals to provide basic life support care for all patients regardless if he can pay or not.

  3. #223
    ©Jedi Cook♂ KE-25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raski View Post
    You get what you pay for. Chong-hua is a high-class hospital with some of the best equipment in the country. Vicente Sotto is an affordable, government-run hospital with bad equipment. The problem with some people is they want the best equipment at the cheapest price. There are many choices in hospitals here, but people sometimes delude themselves into thinking they are rich when they are not. If you can't afford Chong-hua then you should go to another hospital. The equipment they use are very, very expensive and they don't pay for themselves! Don't expect the other patients to shoulder your expense. This is not a socialized hospital.

    Wake up call ra ni. The rich go to hospitals for the rich. Those who are not, go to hospitals that cater for them. That's the harsh reality, but that's just the way it is. Complaining about how expensive Chong Hua is, is as stupid as complaining about how expensive St. Luke's Medical Center is in Manila. Of course they are expensive. If they are too expensive for you, then why go there? Nobody is forced to go to these particular hospitals, so these hospitals should not be forced to drive their prices down either.
    Ras, while part of what you say is true on reality, I'd have to disagree with comparing it to St. Lukes or other hospitals. My dad stayed in St Lukes prior to passing away and we've never experienced this little ticky tacky charges that Chong Hua imposes, I am just giving a fair comparison to what I have personally experienced, as with friends that check in Chong Hua as well..

    You might say well maybe St. Lukes placed all the extra stuff in one room rate , well true, but it helps not going into the aggrevations of being collected on every single time we need something for a sick patient. And St Lukes worked on us with our bill, ie since you stayed for weeks , extra pillows will be discounted na so on .... Its a hospital that cares , they work with their patients, not stress them out more.

    So part of my complaint is the action of sucking you dry for every little thing you need. Forgetting that aside from medicine , surgery and advice , its the little things that count too like not stress you out in the process of healing.

    my 2 cents and this is a healthy discussion
    Last edited by KE-25; 06-10-2010 at 08:43 AM.

    Master Yoda's Quote “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

  4. #224
    Quote Originally Posted by orcgod View Post
    I agree with you bro, youve said the truth. But if naa ka diri sa US, kiha na ang Chon Hua. Hospitals here takes good care of all people nga i rush sa emergency. bisan ug walay downpayment.

    Its just sad to know nga ingon ana ang mentality sa uban hospitals. well, wala gyud mahimo ang di ka afford.
    Yes but you cannot compare the U.S. and the Philippines. The courts there actually enforce debts, so that those people who enter emergency without health insurance will end up losing their home or paying off their debts for the rest of their lives. Some of them will even wish they had just died. Nothing ever comes free, not even in the world's richest country. Someone has to pay for health care, and who better to pay for it than the person who gets it?

    Even in countries that have socialized service, the taxpayers are paying for health care big time. Imagine having 40-60% of your income eaten up by taxes, and you will know what I mean. Healthcare is expensive hence the necessity of obtaining insurance so that you will not be a burden to others or your family and get the absolute best care money can buy, and the importance of looking after your health so you minimize the risk of ending up there. Oftentimes too many people end up in the hospital because they don't look after themselves (eg they are grossly overweight, etc) then who is to blame for that?

    Nonetheless, even if you say it is an emergency, there are so many hospitals within the vicinity of Chong Hua that can be reached at the same time unless you literally collapse right at Chong Hua's doorsteps there is no reason why the ambulance should take you there if you don't want to end up there.

  5. #225
    Quote Originally Posted by KE-25 View Post
    Ras, while part of what you say is true on reality, I'd have to disagree with comparing it to St. Lukes or other hospitals. My dad stayed in St Lukes prior to passing away and we've never experienced this little ticky tacky charges that Chong Hua imposes, I am just giving a fair comparison to what I have personally experienced, as with friends that check in Chong Hua as well..

    You might say well maybe St. Lukes placed all the extra stuff in one room rate , well true, but it helps not going into the aggrevations of being collected on every single time we need something for a sick patient. And St Lukes worked on us with our bill, ie since you stayed for weeks , extra pillows will be discounted na so on .... Its a hospital that cares , they work with their patients, not stress them out more.

    So part of my complaint is the action of sucking you dry for every little thing you need. Forgetting that aside from medicine , surgery and advice , its the little things that count too like not stress you out in the process of healing.

    my 2 cents and this is a healthy discussion
    If you ask me there are two sides to every coin. Some people might actually prefer graduated payments as opposed to having all possible costs lumped into room charges whether you'll make use of the extras or not. It really depends. What can't be disputed is St. Luke's is a much more expensive hospital than Chong Hua. Then again, you get better service too!

    Who is really at fault here I think is the government. If we had efficient, well-funded hospitals then these private hospitals would be forced to compete with them and lower their prices. The problem is that funds intended for hospitals are grossly misused. Ever been to a provincial hospital? You'll be surprised how classy Vicente Sotto is in comparison. That's what happens when corrupt b*tches like Gwen Garcia get elected into office.

  6. #226
    cgeg pangwarta nya gamai kaau sweldo ang mga nurse. ahak!...U

  7. #227
    that's how you run a business. sales should be MORE than the expenses.

  8. #228
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    btaw unfair pud para sa chong hua...but kinsa ninyo dire naka try sa North Gen?? i think mas worst pa didto ang services....

  9. #229
    ataya gud. . ikiha na doh uie. .

  10. #230
    mao na'y nala-apan ani nila...ang gobyerno sad nato dili sad dali ka-action kay lagi private man sad..

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