What to do? My epson r210 said an error just 2 days ago like this " Service Required -- parts inside your printer are near the end of their service life. See your printer documentation".... while the message keeps posting on my desktop, i can still print....
But yesternight, it stops printing. If i turned it on... the power button will light for a second and it turned off but the two other button will blink with a red light.
I found out that theres a counter that need to be resetted. I have downloaded SSC utility to reset the protection counter but it didnt work... There's a message that says....printer off or some other problem.
I already disabled the epson status agent and still didnt work.....
Anyway, i wasnt using an original epson cartridge... i use the generic one.... Naguba na gud ni sauna, naguba iyaha sensor sa paper so bisan mo feed cya dli marecognize sa printer nga naay paper. gipaau nako with my original cartridge pero refill na to siya kay kamao man ko refill.. pero pagkaau kay wla naman ang akong mga cartridge... they took and adviced me to use the original cartridge... since mahal ang orig, i bought the generic kay barato pero cge ghapun kog refill.
My printer is still under warranty..... pero kapuy lang bitbit sa printer padung SM kay bug-at.. IF you guys have an idea how to "MANUALLY" reset the counter just message me.... thanks