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  1. #151
    C.I.A. acecrystal's Avatar
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    nah mao jud.. naru2! if five email add. aw usa ka passwro ra sad na! sa masakapan lng jud nnyo...ehhehehe

  2. #152
    di man siguro na importante ang paghatag but ang thought is the one that has the value.

    sa laki, if wa kay gitaguan, then ihatag.
    sa babae, if wa ka magduda then di ka mangabli ug email.

    it will always boil down to trust. if trust is in question, then there is no love. if you also abuse the trust given to you, mas samut na nga walay love.

  3. #153
    mao gyud.. ky kung honest ka sa imu uyab dka mahadlok hatag ug basin unsa nga pass..

  4. #154
    C.I.A. acecrystal's Avatar
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    ^_^ agree... same nver afraid to give out password if he thinks he needs it so badly.... but kanang nay mga secrets mao na mgkabuang tago2 sa password,worst, make new email addresses....

  5. #155
    Quote Originally Posted by zagaboI View Post
    okay rana bro kay it means you could be trusted if muhatag ka.. malipay na cya ana. not unless naa kay inamaw sa imo email.
    mao jud bro..ok rana kay murag ma at peace imu gf... ako wala ko gitagaan ug password pero naopen nako only to find out that he was secretly seeing his ex kato bag.o pami because of the emails and other stuff.. I know it was invading privacy but what can i do? I wasnt contented by his sugar-coated words..I nided proof that he would be honest and loyal to me and only me...BANG,It hit me...and it hurt like hell..

    mao na true jud ang saying na
    "wat u dont know wont hurt you.."

  6. #156
    until now bro wa gihapon ko kahbw kung unsaon nako up sa akong bf about what i knew..despite the fact that i did invade privacy.. im just so down right now..hahaay...

  7. #157
    really doesn't matter cguro for long as wla kay mga sekreto..she can read it all she want...

  8. #158
    ok raman nag dili ka mu hatag sa imong password...

    just tel her that u dont want to give your password...

  9. #159
    ok ra man hatagan ui... what's there to hide? email ra bitaw na... hehehe

  10. #160
    ok ra kung wa kai gitago

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