is there any?
i have a 1 mos 23 days pug who has this just wondering if there is any way to correct this..![]()
is there any?
i have a 1 mos 23 days pug who has this just wondering if there is any way to correct this..![]()
best one to ask this is sir @ironwood
find him sa PUG club or wildcard kennel thread hehehe
pro i think d na guro na m.change.. and that's an undesirable trait for pugs hehehe
@TS: BrO Sa aKo LnG Ni OpiNiON ha, MaS NiNdOt Mn Jud tNaWn aNg PuG Na EaSt WeSt aNg MaTa Ky ThE MoRe GwaPo cLa tNaWn.......
NyWy, fO uR QuEstiOn BtEr aSk @iRonWooD bWt aNi Ky Xa aNg MaStEr aNi Na BuTaNgA........![]()
c ironwood ang ask bro..kay master n cya ana..but i think d man guro n m.change..
di tawn ko master sa pugs mga abays oi...
we are all learning pa japon bahin ani
re : east-west eyes are not really a fault as per the breed standards but it is very undesirable. pugs' eyes are expected to be his face's main magnet... it should be appealing and shows a lot of affectionate expression... below is the breed standard for pug's eyes :
A Pug's expression is largely dependent on it's big, dark, appealing eyes. Eyes should be large, bold, and globular, but not bulging. At rest, the expression should be benign,intelligent and affectionate; when alert, the expression should be keen, curious, and very sparkling, showing a love of mischief. While the standard makes no mention of eye position, it is accepted that the eyes should be set well apart. The center of the eyes should be in line with the top of the nose. Rims are black and usually encompassed by the black mask in the fawn Pug. East-west eyes aresometimes found, especially in young puppies. Expression (size, shape, and color of eyes) is the primary consideration.
Undesirable: White around the eyes; almond shaped, squinted, or bulging eyes; east-west, close-set, or high-set eyes.
as to the question if there is a way to correct it... generally, dili na... it is actually a fault in the breeding materials used... however, some breeders say nga kato mga eyes nga dili kaayo east-west, macorrect pa kuno by bringing a bait didto sa middle of both eyes regularly... murag mao to exercise sa iya eyes.. i dunno if tinuod ba to nga pamaagi.. but as i said, on general terms, dili na na macorrect.
mao na as what ive been telling every person nga nahan mupalit ug pug, try to study the breed standards first... ayaw padala sa presyo ug sa salestalk sa seller... mas maayo nga nakay idea how a true pug should look like... kay ang ato pagtan-aw ug understanding sa ato mga iro ra ba, nagkataas ang level as time passes... the longer we are into a particular breed, the more expert are we in its standards.. unya if ing-ana, makapalit ta'g faulted na pug, later on magmahay ta diba?
Last edited by Ironwood_Cebu; 06-02-2010 at 05:46 AM.
Kasayang. Mas affectionate pa unta kung wala problema ang iya eyes. But I think it wouldn't lessen your affection towards him.![]()
@for those who replied, especially sa master sir ironwood
thanks kau sa infos inyu g hatag..sad to say n.ani jud aku pup although di kau siya grabe ka east west..i'll still love and care for my pup bsag unsa pana iya flaws hehehe..thanks kau!![]()
post nya pics sa imo pug bro hehehe
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