^^but when you talk about raising kids, bati jd ng structured. ask a psychologist and/or psychiatrist about this...
^^but when you talk about raising kids, bati jd ng structured. ask a psychologist and/or psychiatrist about this...
we have to replace all trapos and elect a new leaders, corrupt naman gud kaayo mga officials tanan nato karon, ambot unsaon pa kaha na nato ma bag-o
Who needs to change? The system or the people? Let us all take note that the system is made by the people. Whatever system of government we have and will have will primarily be made possible through the acts of those people that we elected to office. We have been blaming the system all these years but once and for all let us be accountable. Who did you vote for? They are the people who implements the system or even change the system. Before we can progress and move to a higher level we need to change ourselves. We need to change our outlook in life. We need to look forward and far ahead. Yes 500 pesos can buy us 12 kilos of rice but in return we will have to bear with the 3-6 years of poverty and long suffering. Yes the 500 pesos that we received every election can buy us enough beer to get us drunk for days. But when sobriety will start to sink in, we will have to wake up to the reality that we just made a huge blunder.Our poor choice of leaders doesn't only affect us while they are still sitting down but economically speaking the impact of our poor choice of leaders will have a domino effect that will last way longer than their tenure.
Besides as far as i can remember, i still have to see a seating president who did not get to experience "communist leaning groups" rallying in protest, what can i say-- that's also a source of living for someDuring Marcos era they are rallying the streets, Cory came in they are still rallying the streets, there goes Ramos still they are on the streets, ERAP got elected-still they are there up until Gloria. I am sure even when ninoy and the presidents after him, they will still be on the streeets. What is their real motive? Even after they are given seats in the congress, they still hide beneath the cloth of being a street parliamentarian. If they indeed represent the majority why not choose a standard bearer and let that person run for President? Maybe he/she can do a better job. I really wish they will do it cause i also want positive changes in this country as much as they calim they want. They can achieve more if they will institute the changes within the system not outside of it. If they are really sincere,hope they will consider it. I wonder where they got their funds in staging those rallies or what kind of jobs they have other than raising the red hammer and sickle banner...
We are not living in a perfect world where we have a perfect elector, politicians, parlaimentarians, activists, leaders......the least that we can do for our motherland, children and for ourselves is to make use of the present electoral system to our advantage. If you know that you have the potential and your desire is beneficial to the vast majority, advocate for it and/or run for public office...For the ordinary electors like us, use this opportunity to choose the right person for the right reasons not the wrong person but the right price
No one else can effect change into this country but us....Let us be accountable and let us be responsible.. If we choose the right leaders the system will follow.
The power is yours!!!!!
presidential or parliament system?
turn to federalism?
whats the question?
oust Aquino! bsag wa pna kalingkod nang kugtonga na...change the president!
let's start the insurgency then. wahaha.
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