We're on tight budget mga bro hehe.. Kani lang sa ako CPU.
For minor games lang and 3D Apps(Autocad)<<will by vcard later.
Para studyante ra ni.. hehe.
(Prices from Gaisano Interpace Pricelist)
Intel based lang ko para likay ko sa overheat compared to AMD hehe..
Intel Celeron E3300 --------------------- 2,195.00<<
decided to choose ds instead of e5*** para makasave
Asus P5KPL-AM AVL DDR2/PCIE-----------2,195.00<< on-board vga lang sa ako gamiton.. will buy vcard later.. hd3650..
1GB DDR2 PC800 Samsung/Zeppelin-------1,095.00 << will add one stick later.. targeting 2gig
Astone Enforcer -------------------------1,720.00(PCX)<< will buy branded psu later if needed..
okay na ni?