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  1. #31

    pls state daw his over protectiveness , unsa diay iyang gibuhat that you feel he's being over protective? sample?

  2. #32
    d pod maayo ang overprotective dapat balance ra usahay its good naa pod mo time for yourself to grow

  3. #33
    murag selfish ra sad kaau if overprotective labi na kung out of place. then again, it could be trust issues. try to talk it out lang....

    bali lagies ko, overprotective/overzealous na suitor, pero kung BF na, grabe ko mo give space... cguro kay i know nga wla nako competition and di man sad ko mag binuang... hehehe

  4. #34
    oVeR protective?... in what sense? man graNz?...

    but anywaYs jealousy can be lead overprotectiveness man sad it can also be mistakeN as same thinG..

    ------------- T R U S T -----------------

    sakTo ang mga lonG haiR!!! long live!!

  5. #35

    'jealousy can lead to a guY being overprOTECTivE.. he could also take it as too much jealousY or insecuritY..."

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by aozora View Post
    pls state daw his over protectiveness , unsa diay iyang gibuhat that you feel he's being over protective? sample?
    -to the extend na mag rigor iyang utok if m lakaw ko. Dli cya gnahan na ako ra isa ug mas m prefer pa cya na Naa ra Ko sa haus kay sa m lakaw.

  7. #37
    what in the hell naman sad na granz? pardon me if i sound harsh..... mura naman sad nag priso ka wui, trust issue definitely... so ingon pa ni diso (\m/) " jealousY or insecuritY....?"

  8. #38
    YEah! \m/...

    btaw graNz sa man di na kamO na di?... or MU mU pa lang? TSK!..

    ---- IS PA SYU ---- kha basin nahaN cyA....

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by granz View Post
    -to the extend na mag rigor iyang utok if m lakaw ko. Dli cya gnahan na ako ra isa ug mas m prefer pa cya na Naa ra Ko sa haus kay sa m lakaw.
    is it a deal breaker for you? maybe he just showed you nga love ka niya and that he wants you to be safe always. btw, there's a big difference with what he says and what he does. kung istorya ra cya kotub like maybe he gives advices lang, then take it and ayaw pud ka erritate. pero kung dli jud ka comfortable ana nga situation, i think you know what to do.

    lastly, you won't make a big deal over it kung in love pud ka niya - maslabaw sa iyahang love gishow dira nimo.

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by pakensyit View Post
    uhmmmm...isa ra akong ika-ingon. sakto akong uhmmmmmmmmm nga niadvice sa taas. mas maau kung aha man gani ka kay pakuuga and kung aha sad cya kuug sad. murag bati au na inana nga uyab kay makawala na sa kalipay kay ma-pitlok ka ana. mao na ako...ill make sure akong ice ice baby kay ma-enjoy cya kuug sad usahay sa iyang friends. ill give her time jud para makaspend sad cya time sa iyang mga barkada sauna. coz it doesnt mean kay uyab namo kay imo najd cya (property) she/he has a right man sad to have fun with others dili lang sa imoha. maybe in ur case granz murag dapat jud na ninyo storyahan coz dli na normal sa lalaki nga overprotective. tell him wat u really feel f inanaon ka niya. its good for a relationship to be open. dba ice ice baby? hehehe...
    Yes baby i agree with you..ana jud dapat be open ba..

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