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  1. #181

    Quote Originally Posted by fingolfin View Post
    .. here's one line that i can't forget in chong hua. When my son was admitted, the nurse gave us the SOP questions of WHAT IS YOUR NAME, OCCUPATION ..blah blah blah .... but one thing that really annoyed me was this question


    .. what the heck is the relevance of that question to medical practice or to the case of my son Are they trying to see if we can afford to pay our bill. If we answered NO, will they deny us admission It was my sister who was dealing with the nurse, by the way, my sister is a dentist, im an optometrist and my mom is a nurse, so we know all these medical BS.

    ..Anyway, my sister answered angrily " why?? does it matter ??. and she started lecturing the nurse about medical ethics, it was really a funny scene. The nurse went pale and gave us all the necessary documents for admission.

    .. point is, what choice do we have in cebu if we get sick CEBU DOCTORS and CHONG HUA only. These two are the only decent hospitals in cebu. And it's always the case that when doctors see you as being "ignorant" to the field of medicine, they will capitalized on that ignorance and give you a lot of unwanted and redundant test just to get the bill up. It's sad but true.

    .. my only suggestion is when a member of your family is admitted to a hospital, constantly ask the doctor what a specific test or exam is for and if you have time, and you should find the time for this, research on that test, know more about it. And if you know the case or diagnosis, read all about it, so that when the doctor sees that you're knowledgable, they will refrain from giving you all those nonsense test.

    .. and as for this case

    .. go and file a medical malpractice against the dentist, it's the dentist's freaking fault. As ugly as this sounds, but im not siding on chong hua, but you should be thankful that they did check your father, but, what's really is insulting and shameful was they need three doctors to find out the problem of your father... and on top of that, the three doctors never agreed on each other's diagnosis, two against one so to speak. They should be ashame.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> kng maka bisita ko aning hospitala den dli ko pangutan-on f nag taxi bah ko or private car il insist dem den il answer nga "nag jip ra mi day, pro gpakyaw namo day."

    k*y*s* surok ang dugo sa bata sa pag basa ani dah.. hahaha

  2. #182
    naa lng juy mga opportunistic... that's life...

  3. #183
    file proper case sa court bro para maka claim ka ug damages if ever makita nga naay sayop ang dentist

  4. #184
    ^^mao jd. dugay2x nmn pd ning panghitabu-a. musta na kha ni?

  5. #185
    well, luoy sad ang nurse coz di bya na sila ang nag.make ana na patakaran. ang ila bya administration. Di ra man cguro Chong hua ang inana murag halos tanan private hospitals man. ang reklamo nako anang chong hua kay lahi ra jud ang treatment sa chinese ug pinoy...unahon jud na ang mga insik. way bnuang

  6. #186
    ^^that's life. everything's unfair...

  7. #187
    cge lang ma gabaan ra gihapon na sila.. sa lain nga pa agi.. kanang d na jud madag ospital dritso na 2log..

  8. #188
    ^^hehehe. mytag mo tuo sila og gaba sir oi. pero bad ra ba ng mo curse...

  9. #189
    mao na sa atua, kwarta ug nawong!! hahahahah

  10. #190
    ^^sad to say jd sir nga mst of the politicians are like that. hahaiz... business!

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