Each side believes they are correct in their opinion... Some says false prophet na ang uban, providing links and figures...
First things first, big bang theory is indeed the closest we can get to THE BEGINNING. A lot is proven and some are disproved.
For example, proven nah nga the center of galaxies are black holes. Supported with scientific evidence...
Second, Evolution theory is indeed flawed. Questions are asked. Doubts are casted. That is science. We asked. We question. While religion get stucked to their faith.
Time to cope up guiz. Try to accept the flaws in ur bible. Kay sa tinuod lang, gabaha ang inconsistencies.
It is not bad believing in God while questioning genesis.
Remember, Genesis was created for story telling (according to bible scholars). It is a legend.
It is funny how we go to school to learn and understand, and yet, we don't accept changes.