Originally Posted by
@ 7DMM Hehe sorry we started on the wrong foot. Reason why I was so negative in my previous posts because I sincerely believe this proposal isnt going anywhere so I did not take it seriously. I know personally these people who are proposing, their motives and I dont dont agree with them.
OT: 51st Batallion ka pre?? Under naka ni Lt.Col. Tomas Osmena?? hehehe
@ ROTC should be voluntary.
Well thats what the current set-up we have right now. The reason these people wanted to have ROTC compulsory is because under the current set-up the roster of cadets have declined. I mean not only slightly decline and to say drastically decline is even an understatement. It has declined so low to the point of non-existence.
One of the reason, I think for this, is information disemenation. People does not exactly know what ROTC is all about. They dont know what their options after graduating from ROTC. They dont know that they can be in the Ready Reserves or go CAD. That they can take advanced ROTC courses and POTC to become officers in the Ready Reserves or even in the Regular Army if they go CAD(its called lateral entry in the PNP). Remember 70% of the officers in the AFP are ROTC graduates and not PMAers.
According to my "scientific studies"
80% of those who joined the Ready Reserves now does not even know at first, prior to joining, that Ready Reserves exist and that they are even eligible to join. They usually learned this thing from their friends who are already under the Ready Reserves. IF YOU GRADUATED FROM ROTC THEN YOU CAN JOIN!!! Like most people, you can only appreciate ROTC if you join the Ready Reserves or better yet go CAD. You can also join the NPAs or declare jihad to spice things up....
Why I dont agree with compulsory ROTC?
Its better to have 10 well trained, highly motivated ROTC graduates than 1000 half-baked, uninterested ROTC graduates. Plus, it is a known fact that this will be again a breeding ground for corruption. The never endless corruption. sigh....
@ herzabar: no problem.my apologies too. peace
bok/sir/sarge/master maybe it's just that you know the proponents of this proposal and i guess you have serious issues with this people.i can't say much about your RRU.
i was there during the said conference (PA ROTC Corps Commanders' Convention which i later found out that it was supposed to be "only" for PA. leaving out the PAF and the PN) and i heard a lot of comments from the corps commanders from our units that they don't agree to most of the proposals made and only they could come up with better ideas for it.didn't bother to look at it since lower mammal ra man pud ko.hehehehehe
i am for the growth of Ready Reserve Units here in our country and of course ROTC is where we get our reservists from.i would agree with you that most who join the reserves doesn't have any idea about it.(dala lang sa kahig) as for me, i only found the time and the chance to be active in the reserve when they activated our unit about 3 years ago.(i didn't have regrets staying with the PN and at the same time turning down the offer for commissionship with the ARESCOM. no offense meant bok/sir/sarge/master)
@ compulsoryship of ROTC: it has also been my experience that lahi gihapon ang naay ROTC. mas refined ang batasan sa naka graduate ug ROTC kay sa purely civilian ang character.maybe naa lang gyud mga pipila na wala gyud ma assimilate ang purpose sa program.well, i could say na fault sa sa ubang RESCOM CO's nganong wala.i would say taking up ROTC would somewhat create a balance.you will know the difference Â*between a purely civilian person and a civilian with military orientation.
regarding corruption: no slaves if there are no tyrants-dr. jose rizal
@ herzabar OT: then the COL. knows how to shout UWAAAAH!