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  1. #111

    lisod jud magminyo og sayo...kay mahal kaau ang gatas sa bata ron..

  2. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by shaddaf View Post
    naa mani advantage... think of this... if ma minyu ka sayu, sau jud mo magka anak.. then if sau mo magka anak.. then @ the time nga maabot ug 18 ang imo anak bata2x pa ka, nga mura ka nya barkada... dba?
    kaysa 18 nya dn ikaw 50+ nah! hehehe

    agree! then mka jive-in pka sa world sa imo anak bah kai duol rag gap..nice one!

  3. #113
    para maka inum pud mo sa emong mga anak...hehehehhe

  4. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by iAMtheKILLER View Post
    para maka inum pud mo sa emong mga anak...hehehehhe


  5. #115
    Junior Member MI6's Avatar
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    early marriage or pregnancy = dont run away from your responsibilities "very important" = secure your family future = work on for a better life.

    continue on living

  6. #116
    in my case, naa gamay nga regret nako kay dugay ko nag minyo , abot nalang kos akong edad ron, wala pa jud tawn koi anak kay nagi 28 nman ko nag enterČ aning gugmaČ.

    sa kad2ng sayu na minyo, i envy you :P kay naa namo mga liwat, bast happy mo sa inyong kamiyuon maskin ug sau ayos gihapon kaau

  7. #117
    Our story with my hubby is kind a different

    Right now I just turned 23 and he just turned 25. But we got married quite at an early age gyud. But dli jud ana ka sayo i think ..ambot lng.kamo lng judge.

    Ani ni, against all odds amo story. Aw ok rman iya side, but my parents esp my mom, grbe ka strict esp nga only girl ko and eldest pajud. So mom only wanted what's best for me. Plus c hubby kay before dli pajud magtarong ug skwela. Pro cge man cya absent kay cge atang nko sa akong mga clase. hahahah murag ngpa enrol cya but ako iyang giskwelahan. Niagi pud mi anang takas2x. Niagi pud mi anang dli jud mi mangiskwela. 18 pako ato unya cya 20. Niagi pud mi anang pasumangil ug skwela bsan way klase . Kay lisud manpud ning pugngan2x ta oi kay the evil inside us will get active. Lisud mansad kaau gud, mananghid tag tarong sa parents, gipa ila2x ug tarung ang uyab, mgpa dli2x ug suko2x man mao mag ingun ato pud mi. Hantod ka realyz mi kapoi namn tago2x oi. Murag hello? so nagkasinabot mi nga aron together forever mi, pabuntisan nlng ko niya. So ana lng, I got pregnant at 19, mom freaked out! it was hard for her to move on. Pro dli pman jud cya mu give up nko. Gipapili ko, cya or akong hubby(nga uyab pami ato). syempre, guilty sad kaau ka, maluoy sad ka sa imung mommy, so cya akong gpili. Wa ghapon mi nagtagumpay sa among plan. Gipabuwag mi ni mommy. At first dli jud sayon hantud ngkadugay, ngkalisud. D namo kaya dli mgkita kay murag the very first time mangud we saw each other, we really knew that we are meant to be together. So we started kita2x again, behind mommy's back. pasumangil nsad ug skwela2x...unya absent diay toh. hantod after 4 months gkan ko nanganak sa among first bb kay nabuntis nsad ko. by the way , boy diay among bb first unya girl dayun. mao to nglagot na akong mommy nko, gpanghatag nko niya sa akong bana. Kay dli na cya kaantos nko. sa tinuuray, dli na tinuyuan ang ikaduha nga bb. Pro cya ang reason nga nagkasal nami sa iyang daddy. hehehe now my bb boy is 3 y.o and bb girl is 2 y.o. Grabeh to among relationship ato uyab pami murag rollercoaster ride. But wa tamo giawhag nga sundon ko or ma inspired mo nko. true inspiring ang storya kung bahin na sa gugma but bsan unsaon, mag huna2x jud unta sa limitations which wla namo napungnan sa akong hubby heheheheh

    happy lng ko nga everything's ok nah. accepted nami sa akong mommy ug daddy. wa nakoi laing ipangayo pa. I already have two kids, a loving and loyal hubby , great supportive in-laws and the love of my mom despite the heartaches that I caused her. ♥

  8. #118
    my best friend got married at 19..karun,he is 27 and 8 years na cla sa iyang uyab..i remember him saying once nga "dugay dugay naman mi sakung asawa bro ui,and i love her more and more each day nga mulabay..its like nagkagwapa cya nagkatiguwang.."...tymingan pajud naa iya asawa sa luyo sa door,then she overheard him..nihilak jud cya then she hugged my best bud...argggghhhhhhhhhh makasuyaaaaa!!

    if ma minyo ko,i wanna be like them..huhuhu..kanus.a pa kaha ko ma minyooooo

  9. #119
    C.I.A. scorpia's Avatar
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    mmm... base lang sa akong mga na witness... early marriage IS AN ISSUE. specially pag nay age gap... my sister got pregnant and was married at 18 to a guy who was ten years older sa iya... sige away... they're not financially unstable mind you... my friend got her GF pregnant at 17, they married at 18... although mature silag pangutog... regret,regret, regret and effect... look at what they've wasted.. their youth... tsk... nawa lage... ahay. muna karon murag wa pa japon akong pangutok nang marriage... and to think I'll be considered an old maid soon haha... pake ko, cute paman japon ko wahaha...

  10. #120
    C.I.A. scorpia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bastywarts View Post
    my best friend got married at 19..karun,he is 27 and 8 years na cla sa iyang uyab..i remember him saying once nga "dugay dugay naman mi sakung asawa bro ui,and i love her more and more each day nga mulabay..its like nagkagwapa cya nagkatiguwang.."...tymingan pajud naa iya asawa sa luyo sa door,then she overheard him..nihilak jud cya then she hugged my best bud...argggghhhhhhhhhh makasuyaaaaa!!

    if ma minyo ko,i wanna be like them..huhuhu..kanus.a pa kaha ko ma minyooooo

    this is one of the nicest stories I've ever read dude... ^^ unta pud, ana akong mabana...

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