Hi Istoryans... I was hoping that i could find some individuals or group here in Cebu, who's into product design and innovation. Every idea counts no matter how ridiculous it might be.
After the first generation of gsm cell phones set frenzy to the consuming public, who had ever thought that it could go this far. From a simple cell phone with 8 bit games to the more advance touch screen, multimedia phones. Of course... it’s only an example where not capable on those innovations as yet.
What I am aiming to do is... to re engineer, innovate, design, upgrade or "Pimp" everyday common tools we have to make life even better for all of us, and help others who are not as fortunate as we are in the process. I know each and everyone has a bright idea to do things better, but then lack of resources and other factors just made it “done”. From one idea to the other I urge anyone who reads this thread to make the first step.
I am not aiming to get rich or son of rich family something related to that, I’m just a normal kid with different views on things around me. I want to share this to everyone and I hope that others like me have the same view.
Let’s just presume that this is just a high school science project that everyone has to participate and share there ideas and diminutive resources to put together the project, and hope for a positive result.