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Whew, naglisud ku ug tubag da. hahahah
Bible ku. like what cpt_star shared a verse.
But one thing that crosses my mind, who made God?
"Who made God?" is a stupid question. Nobody creates God(if somebody created Him, then He's not God). He is self-existing. He is from eternity past to eternity future.
Ayaw nlang nato i-fathom Who He is..maboang rka kay finite ang ato mind..He is infinite. There are things that only belongs to God. A thousand years might be a single second to Him.
Read the Bible and you'll find the answers to your questions. One thing tho, you will never truly understand the Bible if the Holy Spirit won't guide you and the HS will not be with you unless you have the Son(Jesus Christ), pls refer to John 14.