of which side of the coin are we facing today in using the english system of education?
Heads for progress
Tails for Crisis!
What do you think?
of which side of the coin are we facing today in using the english system of education?
Heads for progress
Tails for Crisis!
What do you think?
heads or tails it doesn't matter..
fact is, the country is on a hard financial crisis..
english? what for?
come on, we've been speaking the english language for almost a century (if im not mistaken)
look where we are right now..
HEADS... its all on how you look at things and your lifestyle too...
and sa english system, the quality is continuing to become poorer but ours is much better compared to how Chinese and Indians speak english and mas ok pa gyud ta kay majority sa mga pinoy kay maka sabot man ug ininglis...
what i mean is cant we learn by using a vernacular system of education! well japan, korea, taiwan, usa, and i guess most of the countries in this world have been using their own vernacular in learning.... only in some parts cguro in asia, africa naglearn through an english system... but how come USA is great... japan, germany their using vernacular...
hypothetically bali ang situation! americans ang nagstudy and they are taught through a french language and then math subject masabtan ba kaha nila tanan?
it's not how we look at things but it's how we face the fact that even with the high percentage of Filipinos who can speak and understand english, Philippines is STILL at the bottom economically.
@bald_charma: i agree with you..
heads in this one
wait are u saying that we should use our vernacular language in teaching most of the subjects in school? kung mao na, lisura kaha sa...
usa pun-an ug usa kay mahimo ug duha ---> 14 syllables
one plus one equals two ---> 6 syllables
sakit naman gani sa ulo sa kadaghanan ang 1 hour of mathematics, karon gusto nimo mahimo'g 2.333 times longer
labi na science... kadaghan sa mga english words nga wlay translations
Look at them now, Koreans are flocking the Philippines to learn English, and I believe some Japanese and Chinese too. English is the universal language and there is a very big need to learn it especially now that international companies are starting to get into the Philippines. Even without going abroad, the need for English is high now.what i mean is cant we learn by using a vernacular system of education! well japan, korea, taiwan, usa, and i guess most of the countries in this world have been using their own vernacular in learning.... only in some parts cguro in asia, africa naglearn through an english system... but how come USA is great... japan, germany their using vernacular...
hypothetically bali ang situation! americans ang nagstudy and they are taught through a french language and then math subject masabtan ba kaha nila tanan?
Di man pud siguro pwede nga ang mga foreigners ang motuon sa atong language and native dialects.![]()
English is taught poorly...same as math, science, history, etc.
still heads. there is reason to believe.. its really up to the students. you cant force them(student) to deliver english conversation. sak sak sinagol baya, bisaya english. but in the end its up to the learner to expand his/her knowledge. believe lang in our teachers and students..im a teacher by the way, but not practicing pa..
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