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  1. #271

    Default wat u do wen your feeling down???

    shopping kung naay kwarta...

  2. #272

    Default wat u do wen your feeling down???

    basketball... playing guitar.. eat more foods... videoke...

  3. #273

    Default wat u do wen your feeling down???

    lie down and stare at the ceiling. or go out and take a walk.

  4. #274

    Default wat u do wen your feeling down???


    1. EAT!!!!
    2. SLEEP
    3. PLAY ARCADE GAMES and challenge every helpless player that i'll find!!

  5. #275

    Default wat u do wen your feeling down???

    i forgot..

    play my guitar

  6. #276

    Default wat u do wen your feeling down???

    say a prayer

  7. #277

    Default wat u do wen your feeling down???

    post and post at

  8. #278

    Default wat u do wen your feeling down???

    turn on the player and put some disco music on... effective baya pod ni.

  9. #279

    Default wat u do wen your feeling down???


  10. #280

    Default wat u do wen your feeling down???

    eat ice cream...

  11.    Advertisement

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