wa diay gihapon ni nahuman? RH Bill is not an abortion bill. The bill even explicitly treats abortion as a crime. But unfortunately, there are some unknown (and known) forces that tries to equate this bill as an abortion bill. A big testament to that is forcing the RH Bill topic into this "legalize abortion?" thread in order to mislead a lot of people!
As if abortion and abortifacients are part of the RH Bill to which are actually not!
As if they're saying that using medically and legally approved birth control pills is tantamount to abortion, using condoms (to your wife) is wrong and you go to hell. as if to say that the only way to go is the only church-approved natural family planning and ditch the artificial means of family planning? Geesh! what non-sense!
People, the RH Bill is a rights-based health bill and the Phils. is the only and last predominantly Catholic country to have none of it (yet).
Try to help distribute free condoms to your barangay and you will know those who are "praning", holier-than-thou, and tunnel-visioned.
Those who are in support of the RH Bill are unjustly and indiscriminately labeled as pro-abortion and mercenaries of death.
There is a verifiable correlation between poverty and family size. The more family size increases, poverty incidence/gap/vulnerability tends to increase. It is a statistical fact and dili nani angay lalison pa bsan pa cardinal pa ka diha! That's how and why "family planning" was born to be! And YES, nowadays, age-appropriate s3x education (or to put it more politically correct, "reproductive health education") helps!
Gibo and Noynoy used to be strong advocates of the RH Bill. What happened now? Everybody knows how the story went...