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  1. #1

    Default The Country Needs A Strong Leader to Lift Us Out of This Hellhole

    We will never be lifted from the hellhole where we are now unless we choose a good but tough president who would not compromise his ideals for anything that would not do good to his country and to his fellow filipino.We need a leader who would be selfless enough to set aside his personal interests and instead concentrate on the interests of the majority.We need a leader who has a soft heart when it comes to the welfare of of our fellowmen men but a heart which could turn to stone when dealing when individuals who seek only to satisfy their greed.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The Country Needs A Strong Leader to Lift Us Out of This Hellhole

    dili ra pud leader uy. ang iya pud mga secretaries, under-secretaries, cabinet members, senators etc., kay dapat same principle pud sa iya.

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Country Needs A Strong Leader to Lift Us Out of This Hellhole

    sakto tuod no...sorry ha kay wa nako naapil.

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Country Needs A Strong Leader to Lift Us Out of This Hellhole

    A president who will fight corruption, respect our freedom and will take off all crooked public officials.

  5. #5

    Default Re: The Country Needs A Strong Leader to Lift Us Out of This Hellhole

    @everyone, a LEADER is only as good as the PEOPLE that support him/her, for LEADERS are only human, and they have limits to their abilities. What is needed more is a widespread change in values, perspectives and more proactive attitude of the people! It begins with each and everyone of us to do our part! For what is democracy but a government made of the people, by the people and for the people! So wake up people!

    @manananggalko, I so resent the implication that the Philippine situation is a hellhole... apparently you haven't even took one step from your door and travel around because if you did, you'd see that though it has room for improvement, the Philippines and its cities fare better than most countries. And there are some places, actually a lot of places, that could be deemed by most as Paradise on Earth... don't be a stranger in your own homeland, travel a bit, get to see, and open your mind...

    And do you know what's really a hellhole? Mass genocide, ethnic cleansing, children born as thin as skeletons, leper slum areas, places where there is no water, no food that one has to drink one's own feces and urine... Its a dangerous world and there are places like Rwanda, Congo, Sarajevo, Bosnia, Baghdad, Calcutta that one time or the other, could be said as Hell on Earth...

    I agree that the situation here in the Philippines may need some work, some improvement but I, as a citizen, am still grateful that I'm earning my P10T salaray, taking 2 showers a day, eating 3 square meals a day, don't have to use a gun everytime i go shopping or dodge grenades while strolling, or sleeping in shelters... I don't have to fight like an animal to live. You get it? We don't have to fight like animals to live here in the Philippines, not like some other hellholes in the world that I've mentioned. If only people could take their eyes off the gutter and see that compared to some, we got better... like a saying goes...

    Two convicts stare out their bars. One saw mud, the other saw stars

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Country Needs A Strong Leader to Lift Us Out of This Hellhole

    @diemjudilla - I couldn't have said it better myself- very well-said bro :mrgreen:
    Am a retired (but not tired) born & raised Cebu resident- but not to sound like a conceited sh*thead- I consider living in Cebu a vacation and living abroad as ' work ' what with no maids/driver/gardener/cook/masseuse/laundrywoman/yaya to speak of.
    Here, I have all the help I need - but when abroad, no way. Unless you're a multi- millionaire. Here, even if you're middle-class, a helper is still affordable - right ? I'm always happier when I'm on my way back home to Cebu than vice-versa.
    So if it's a hellhole - it must be a nice one considering.
    We do need a wake-up call for our gov't officials ( a.k.a. clowns) to get their act together and for all of us to help in our own little ways to get on the right track for the advancement & welfare of all Filipinos. It's long overdue. Having said that, corruption would be on my no. 1 list for eradication and discipline its counterpart for implementation. Hard to do, I know but not impossible.
    I would be counting my blessings if I were you @manananggalko - that's the very 1st thing I do when I wake up each morning after I thank God for being given another day.

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Country Needs A Strong Leader to Lift Us Out of This Hellhole

    the state of the country does not depend only on how strong the leader or the government it has... but, for me, it also depends on the how we support them... sometimes, selfishness draws us to complain and bring ourselves to the streets yelling the ineffectiveness of our leaders...

    the leader/president does not hold our future... we, the citizen, filipinos, hold our future...

    i strongly believe that... "a better philippines starts with me..."

  8. #8

    Default Re: The Country Needs A Strong Leader to Lift Us Out of This Hellhole

    ...but for the mean time, the people voted for PGMA as the leader of this country. Best thing we can do for now is extend our 100% support to PGMA and her administration instead of be divided. Lest we don't cast this country into another hellhole :mrgreen:

  9. #9

    Default Re: The Country Needs A Strong Leader to Lift Us Out of This Hellhole

    "strong leader"... that's over rated.. it's when people start to think that their country is a hell hole is where lies the problem.
    poor - yes. problems with how the government's being run - yes. but to call a country that's both poor and has problems with how the government's being run a "hell hole" is not even close. all of us, I mean if only all the citizens of this country would just play their part in making the wheels of progress spin one cycle at a time and not "sour-grape" on how the Leader this.. the Leader that.. 'coz whoever sits on "that chair" needs all of our support even more in trying times like these. why don't we all finish-up on that project, close that deal, entertain those clients, in short... work.. instead of posting "hell holes" on this thread and wasting all our employers money doing stuff that's not in our job description.. that's one good example right?

    just my two cents worth :mrgreen:
    Shut Up! Let your GAME do the talking!

  10. #10

    Default Re: The Country Needs A Strong Leader to Lift Us Out of This Hellhole

    @omad- precisely. :mrgreen:
    It would do us all some good if we aspire to make a difference simply by doing what is expected of us as good citizens of this country. Simply by being good role models to others is a good start. Complaining about all the problems we have is ok but it would be better if we can come up with some constructive criticisms instead of being negative all the way. This is the only country we have - love it or leave it.
    Am sure we can all think of ways to do our share in nation-building if we just put our heart and mind to it. Not to try is to insure failure. Mabuhay ang Filipino !

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