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  1. #1

    Default Jejomons on the Mix! Getting to Know Them

    JEJEMON - a person WhO tyPeZ lYKeS tH1s pfOuh.. whether you are RICH, MIDDLE CLASS or POOR ifpK eU tYpE L1K3 tHiS pfOuh..eU are CONSIDERED AS JEJEMON. *JEJEMONISM- the syndrome of typing in sticky caps,wrong grammar and adding unnecessary letters.

    Still not convinced? Unsa man jud ang Jejemon?

    1) Usually seen around social networking sites such as Friendster and Multiply, Jejemons are individuals with low IQs who spread around their idiocy on the web by tYpFing LyK diZS jejejeje, making all people viewing their profile raise their eyebrows out of annoyance.
    Normal people like you and me must take a Bachelor of Arts in Jejetyping in order to understand said individuals, as deciphering their text would cause a lot of frustration and hair pulling.

    2) Jejemons are not just confined to trying-hard Filipino gangsters and emos. A Jejemon can also include a variety of Latino-Hispanic fags who enjoy typing “jejejejeje” in a wider context, much to the disdain of their opponents in an internet MMORPG game such as Ragnarok and DOTA.

    Caution: These guys are breeding and are causing a havoc in facebook!

    And to the people who just realized that they are actually jejemons, marami na jejebusters at anti-jejemons ngayon and they are trying to make a reformation.

  2. #2
    ahahaha.. i vote si TEDA for jejemon ^^

  3. #3

  4. #4
    ah ok sorry for thAT.

  5. #5
    m0d5 M3r93 Thr34D

  6. #6
    eow pfoooohhh...


    giatay ana nila oi..

  7. #7
    hahaha finally a 21st century internet labelling. naa jud btaw sa FB. kung naay racist, unsay itawag sa jejemons? jejeist? jejemonist?

  8. #8
    Senior Member didi_tsai's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
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    ni exist na ngun ani na thread

  9. #9
    jejejeje.. hahaha..

  10. #10
    mao diay ni mga jejemons

    daghan ko ani sa online games

  11.    Advertisement

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