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  1. #1

    Default how to make a database for records using vb codes

    i need step by step tutorial about this database connection in vb...

  2. #2
    google na bai... naa daghan diha steps

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Last edited by mikesaga; 04-26-2010 at 08:04 PM. Reason: edit link

  5. #5
    sa google nalng search hehehehe

  6. #6
    database with vb using basic ms access
    1. create a db using access 2002-2003
    2. n ur vb window go to components then add, microsoft ado controls
    3. on your left pane, drag to create "Adodc" box.
    4. Right click adodc box, select properties, under "Use connection string", click "build" butn.
    5. sel. microsoft jet, under "Select/nter db name" browse and look for your db in your dir.
    6. Click test conn buttn, if success then congrats
    7. copy the ntire path under "Use connection string"
    8. in your vb window, add "module" then ini. a connection ex. dim conn as adodb.connection
    9. go to your main form then type "set form = new adodb.connection"
    10. type this to create a connection.... conn.connectionstring = "[your db connection string here]"
    11. type [naa naka connection sa imo db]
    12. create a recordset ex. dim myRS as new adodb.recordset
    --------------That should be it, naa naka clue unsaun pag establish sa connection from vb to access---

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