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  1. #11

    @ kultitoyan - pwede ra nimo ma check sa facebook sa IRO ( Island REscue Organization), naa mga pupies ngadto sa city dog pound na kailangan intawon ug someone mo take care nila and mo provide nila ug home..try adopt ngadto lang, big help jud for the puppies.. i was planning gani mo adopt ngadto but naa mn koy nakit-an na puppy na bulingit kau unya palaboy2x lang ako nalang gi adopt dretcho kay luoy intawon kau..huhu

  2. #12
    @tamse and shuzini - thanks sah mga sugestions mga sis,. anywies, asa nah dapit ang IRO,.? try unta k0h ad2,. unsa pud mga kinahanglan0n did2 para makaadop,.?

  3. #13
    same question here. asa na dapit ang IRO?

  4. #14

    --IRO is an organization mga sisters and brothers.. visit our facebook page

    Welcome to Facebook

    or our website

    Welcome to the Official Website of Island Rescue Organization (IRO)

    anyway... we're helping the dog pound in finding a good owner for the dogs... they are adoptable dogs and very much lovable... the IRO president herself already adopted a dog from there..

    all you need is 150 pesos for the registration and the dog will be yours... you have a free collar , free vaccines, deworming , anti rabies, free spay or neuter .... they all need some love love love

    here's the latest rescued dog with the president of IRO, mam nena

    Oreo has been already adopted... but there are a lot of dogs..please visit our facebook fan page for more dogs! and get some luvin!!
    Last edited by tamse; 04-23-2010 at 07:49 AM.

  5. #15
    naay mga pandak na aspin didto?

  6. #16
    @kultitoyan and mike_portnoy: hehe, dili na xa place ang IRO, try to check on the website and you will know what it is all about. And if you already have all the knowledge what IRO is and you think you have the compassion for the animals, then BE one of Us.. We need people who have compassion and love for animals and to carry out our mission.

    @tamse: hehe, member pud diay ka sa IRO, daghan na diay ta, yipey!

  7. #17

    --yep member ko! apir!! ma luoy lang ko sa mga dogs..kung pwd pa lang ako adopt nila tanan ako jud buhaton.. pero di nko makaya man

    mao na im calling all the hearts of these people to get one sa dog pound.kay the other day naa clay gi put down na nga dog

    tan-awa lang boss.. vet man sad na ang naa sa dog pound si doc alice.... mka sulti na xa kung pandak na nga kind

  8. #18
    haLa,. nindot Lgih 2 nga dog ang giadap,.?
    @ tamse - naa pah daghan mix foreign dog did2,.?

  9. #19
    up! up! up!

  10. #20

    --depende lang bro sa mga na rescue... daghan pa kaayo dogs man dd2...

  11.    Advertisement

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