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there is NO objective nor ABSOLUTE morality.(people who lobby this ABSOLUTES are screwed up bigots in the funny papers). morality for me is relative as well as subjective.
Are you saying that people who believe that morality is objective and absolute are wrong?
putting your first hand receivers of the commandments from bush fire being in the lime light does not equate to ME believing it's accountability.
Okay, so you don't believe that story in the Bible. Why did you bring it up as an example?
now, back to moses and his ilk... if absolute morality was in hand by then, how come we can consider SOME if not MOST of their ACTS and PRACTICES as revolting and foul in today's age.(i.e. slavery, genocide and baby killings, etc.)
So you're saying that acts like slavery and genocide are wrong?
face it, moses and his ilk had was an IN-GROUP type of morality. it only shared and revolved within that specified group...rest of the world never could give a damn. and men of the cloth want to pattern and mirror such framework just because its in the pages of some holy book.
Are you saying Moses was wrong?
But there's something else I don't understand about what you said. You said that you don't think those stories in the Bible involving Moses really happened, right? So why did you bring up those examples if you think those events never really took place?