In connection with the reinforcement of the rules regarding referral links, this thread will serve as a confinement to all discussions pertaining to Winnla.


Posting messages like "PM me for an invite..." or giving your email address here in this thread is equivalent to giving out a referral link.

General discussions pertaining to are not prohibited as long as you don't invite other members. You may post your received items/gifts but then again, no invitations.

All the other Winnla threads anywhere else in the forum will be shut down.

This is in relation to Forum Rule #8:

8. Do not post SPAM. SPAM includes unsolicited advertisements, flooding of the boards, inappropriate or illegal content, thread hijacking, and cross-posting of topics. Persistent violations will result in a ban. At our discretion, we will delete all posts / topics of persons engaging in the abovementioned scenarios. This also applies to Private Messages and Shoutbox entries.
Please be guided accordingly.
Thank you.