Originally Posted by
thanks for the information bro...
that's the problem with us pinoys. we dont normally see what's ahead... ang atong gitan-aw kay karon lang... this might be a business with papers & certificates... but honestly, this lingam massage are only for those nagkulang sa ilang wife or girl friend (if naa). pa taas sa gana sa pagka bigaon(unsa man diay tawag nimo ana?).
IF NINDOT (accepted) man gani ang lingam massage... why do my MARRIED comrades at work "HIDE" from their spouses? --- what are they hiding for?
You know some people - they criticize harshly with little or no understanding of what they talk about. Some arrogant people deliberately ignore the other facts that could contradict their criticism, etc. It is always better to do some really research on something before declaring any judgment on it.
Lingam massage is indeed for men only, and it can help men with certain prostate problems. The female version, Yoni massage, is not offered yet here in the Philippines, and I know some women wanting that.
Considering how new lingam and yoni massages are, it will take a very long time for people to even understand them.