Mas gwapa man ng trannies kaysa sa real girl
Mas gwapa man ng trannies kaysa sa real girl
gi cutan lagi ko sa TS,.. i like the way he replied to the peepz..you're so funny.... hahaha..
anyway, wa ko kasabot... you're a guy..pero you like gays? so you are a gay then.... hmmmm.. if you feel like having a relationship with them..why not... pero..kung gwapo ka..sayang...
yah,hot and all,but when you pull up the skirt,OMFGWTFH is that?? "juz like yours fafa"...on second thought,id love to see someone experience that...but thats another story.the thing is brah...they have a thing...and you have a thing...1+1 in that case,doesnt make 2,1+1,it makes X...which doesnt look hot.
bro wala langjud ka kakita ug gwapa na girl jud. naa man kai point na mas gwapa ang uban trannies kaysa sa uban girls PERO naa may gwapa jud na girls. ani nalang gai ko number nimo. manglaag ta pa ila2x tka mga gwapa then if mao lang gihapon ad2 ka sa mga trannies mo balhin sad ko sa darksidelols btaw uy laag ta bro tanawun nato if sakto ba na imohang gi ingon na mas gwapa sila sa uban girls... taka raman ka...eheh
OT: cute lagi nang ga hug sa barny.. ehem.. im chino, whats ur real name? =)
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