There is no clearer indication of how rotten politics have become and how decayed are the values of politicos than the way they have degraded the role of a political party, including their own.
They don't even bother to hold nominating conventions. They substitute themselves for the party, nominating themselves, crowning themselves with party titles. And they buy groups and cliques and claques wholesale they can point to as allies and members.
To claim membership in a political party today is like attaching a designer label to a candidate in hopes his image will become saleable. If it doesn't work, simply rip off the label and attach another!
In many cases, determining a candidate's party is like playing a shell game on a sidewalk. Hard to pin them down. They're like street gangs whose loyalty changes depending on who emerges as the bully or vice lord or financier.
For a lot of people, choosing a candidate is like hunting for a bargain item in an ukay-ukay marketplace. The lucky one gets a decent candidate to brag about later on; the unlucky one just shrugs and curses his luck. But only rarely does one know how an item will turn out until later. Running under a party label is merely a matter of convenience, not of conviction; certainly not of platform or principle. Win or lose, one can't predict who whether they'll stay with the same party.
Like ukay-ukay merchandize, politicos come and go without screening or quality control, let alone a warranty.
Screening and quality control is the quintessential role of a political party. It is supposed to invite quality recruits -- dues-paying members, wise men and women of vision and integrity, chosen for their ability to animate public service and enrich it with wisdom, dynamism, and party platform.
Try analyzing the parties today and judge if its designer label is fake, genuine, or simply a passport to a pyramid scheme.
Does the party seek quality members and not just any Juan, Pedro or Dalmacio to help it win the numbers game on Election Day?
If a seminar is required for a membership, check out the seminar and examine its content and intent. If its conduct is secretive (not transparent) and conspiratorial, it's not likely to be a democratic or open-minded group.
If it pays out money, goods or benefits to participants instead of collect membership dues or contributions, it may just be a political conspiracy to capture or keep power for profit. But by no means is it a real political party.
Are the members real adherents or reform advocates? Do they join for the privilege or the chance to advance or contribute to the common good?
If they and their leaders are political opportunists or parasites piggy-backing on a powerful trapo or group of trapos, BEWARE! Neither principle nor good governance nor decency will be served up by the group.
The truth is, the political parties today have no room for men and women of wisdom, ability, or integrity. The loyalty of their so-called supporters is bought by patronage and assurance of a share in the spoils once the party achieves power.
They're not even supporters; for they are the ones being supported. They're mere followers whose blind obedience is bought (literally!) by Big Time Trapos and Big Money interests who gamble on politics in hopes of Big Time payoffs.
A simple test of a bona fide party: Are you, or anyone you know, aware or familiar with what its stands for in terms of party principles, social values, or platform of government?
If not, despite their years of existence and all the chances for promoting these, they're not worth anyone's attention.
A former UN executive, director at the development academy of the Philippines and head of the Gising Barangay Movement, Manny is a candidate for senator under the Ang Kapatiran Party.