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this according to the link you gave... "The doctrine of the chosen people is presumed throughout the Bible, although nowhere does it receive systematic elaboration."
One of the reasons why there is no such thing as choosen people. James, the Bible have been rewritten for countless of times and you may wonder those things are true or not. Hence, the roman catholic propaganda was indeed very amusing.
Some of what you say has validity, but I always try to use text translated directly for the Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic text; that which dates before 2000 years ago. I always try to avoid the Latin and Medieval English, precisely because of the interference of the Catholic dogma. I am a Born Again Christian who is bound by Christ's Universal church. I shun man's organized religions, and am bound by no church or church dogmas.
The Catholic church is not a supporter of Judaism.
The Theodosian Code of 438 (the first official collection of imperial statutes on the subject) sanctioned the civil inferiority of the Jews, defined as “enemies of the Roman laws and of the supreme majesty.” The legislation of Theodosius II became the juridical basis upon which Jewish affairs were regulated. Numerous medieval bulls (a bull is a Papal edict -”bullum” is Latin for seal) are openly Judeophobic.
“Etsi non displiceat “(1205) solicited kings to put an end to “Jewish evils” like usury, arrogance and murder;”
“In generali concilio” (121
compelled Jews to wear special clothing;
“Si vera sunt” (1239) ordered the seizure and examination of the Talmud and Jewish literature, which were eventually burned;
“Vineam Soreth” (127
ordered the selection of trained men to preach Christianity to the Jews;
“Etsi doctoribus genium” (1415) was a collection of anti-Jewish laws;
“Numquam dubitavimus” (1482) empowered kings to appoint inquisitors to prevent Jewish practices;
“Cum nimis absurdum” (1555) established the ghetto in Rome and forbade contact between Jews and Christians;
“Hebraeorum gens” (1569) accused Jews of magic and expelled them from papal territories;
“Vices eius nos” (1577) ordered Roman Jews to send delegations to the church;
“Sancta mater ecclesia” (1584) decreed that each Saturday one hundred Jewish men and fifty women must come to listen to conversionist sermons in the church.
The French and Spanish Inquisitions, Hitler's Germany, and many other examples show the attitude of the Catholic church did not support the notion of a Jew being the Chosen People of God. In fact they tried to attack destroy the very essence of the Hebrew religion and the Jewish culture. Jews consider themselves to be God's chosen people, this derives from their covenants with God, religious text, philosophers, and prophets. It has little to do with Catholic Propaganda, unless it is that all Jews have horns and tails, are subhuman devils, and most be converted. That is what the Catholic churches actually taught.
Gustavo Perednik - Christian European Persecution of Jews in Medieval Times: I-Proselytization and Ghettos - Judeophobia - a history and analysis of anti-Semitism, Jew Hate and Anti-Zionism