ang ako man jud surprice soif i ask her about the size of ther finger ma klaro na kayao ring akong paliton sa iya... can i ask for your number
is the ring number 3 available
ang ako man jud surprice soif i ask her about the size of ther finger ma klaro na kayao ring akong paliton sa iya... can i ask for your number
is the ring number 3 available
toinK! derS no othEr way to figuRe 1nS siZe buT to ask the sizE hersLf or betr yEt askd her in a waY as iF ur nt gNa gv her sumthn' lyK a rinG.. dnT tel me u dnT knw hw dT woRks
ALL rinGS posTED r AVAILABLE.. wiL jAs check fr d siZes if avaiL! foR rEADy for orDerS.. jas leAve ur conTAct # wiL b d ONE to tX u ASAP!
ok2x i will pm u if i got the size of my gf finger...
bro size 5 daw ang iyang finger. naa available ana sa ring number 3?
09228204432 thats my number sis. ^_^ pwde bah naa discount for 2 pcs?
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