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God is the beginning of everything, so if you're argument about what is the beginning of the beginning then just imagine two mirrors facing each other.. you'll just end up losing your mind keep wondering about a never ending equation.
Just imagine every single one of more than a trillion cells in the body contains about a thousand times as much precisely-coded digital information as my entire computer.. A code cannot occur without a designer... and it can only be designed by a superintellegence,i.e. God. Evolution is "mutation+selection+time=design". about mutation, what causes them to mutate, what causes these dna to change, what makes it replicate..etc... until you will end up saying they're just programmed to react that way.. so in short somebody programmed this entity to react.. so it always starts with a creator.. A superintellegent mind is behind the evolution process..
the intelligent design argument has been debated numerous times in this section. i suggest you back read those threads in the old S&O. once again, the intelligent design argument doesn't hold ground, because it would then allow a bigger question, which is that, who created the designer? the argument that GOD is infinite and "has no beginning and end" proposes a larger gap in the argument itself which will always remain unanswered, but Christians sees it as a conclusive one at best.