Benefits Of Dog Ownership
Owning a dog can be a lot of fun!
Dogs give us company, affection and unconditional love.
They encourage us to exercise in fact many studies have shown that owning a pet improves your health.
Dog ownership also teaches children responsibility, and helps them develop their social and nurturing skills.
Health Care
You must:
- Feed your dog an appropriate balanced diet to maintain him/her in good condition. Either too little or too much food, or the wrong type of food can cause health problems for your dog. Don't feed cooked bones to your dog, these can splinter and cause injury.
- Supply clean cool water at all times, in a container that cannot be tipped over.
- Provide a comfortable dry sleeping area, along with shade during the day, if your dog is housed outdoors. If housed outdoors try not to tie your dog all day as it results in more aggressive, unsocial behavior. There is a clear link between tied dogs and human bites. As an alternative to tethering dogs, consider a movable tether or housing your dogs in kennels. If you house your dogs outside in kennels, make sure they are of a good size so that the dogs freely move around.
- Protect your dog's health. This includes regular vaccinations, worming (including heartworm), flea and tick control, and veterinary treatment for injuries or illness. Check with your local city vet if there are low-cost or free rabies vaccinations in your municipality.
- Give your dog plenty of company and time with the family. Dogs are pack animals. They are unhappy if left alone for long periods of time. They need the company of people or other dogs. A puppy or dog left unattended most of their awake time, is a dog that will get into trouble.
- Exercise and socialize your dog regularly, this is necessary for your dog's physical and mental health.
If you aren't going to breed your dog, consider having him/her desexed. There are many benefits of desexing dogs. Desexed dogs can be better behaved and less likely to roam. Desexing pets can also prevent them from getting certain types of cancer.
In general, dogs can safely be desexed from three months of age. Talk to your vet about the best age to desex your dog. The city of Cebu through the city vet's office will desex your dog for 150.00 pesos which is actually the registration fee.
Confinement To The Property
You should securely confine your dog to the property. This means your yard must have a closed gate, and an escape proof fence that your dog can not jump, get under or through. Visitors must also have safe access to your front door, without being stopped by your dog. In some subdivisions, the homeowner will get a fine if their dog/s are roaming outside of their property.
If securely confined, your dog will be safe from traffic injuries or fights with other dogs. He/she will also be prevented from wandering and becoming lost. The community also is safer in the event your dog becomes human aggressive. However, keep in mind, that confinement without exercise and socialization can lead to boredom, health issues or nuisance behavior.
Socialization, Exercise and Training

Socialization means getting your dog used to behaving well when he/she is around other people and animals, and in different places. It is particularly important to socialize puppies - 'puppy preschool' classes are available at K9 Care, Cebu City. The "puppy preschool" classes has been very effective for my nephew's puppies! The more situations your puppy is exposed to, and has positive experiences with, the better behaved and more confident he/she will be as an adult.
Consider having puppy or doggy playgroups with your friends to encourage socialization. However, remember that dogs can be "selective" (like humans) as to who they get along with. So it is important to know your dog before introducing him to other dogs to reassure they get along. (I will post an article regarding this in the future.)
Dogs have evolved to spend much of their day migrating with their pack. The 'need' to walk is hardwired into every dog's brain. Some dogs require longer or more regular walks than others. But all dogs should spend some time each day outside the property with you. It does not matter if you have a large property - to a dog, this is still just a very big kennel behind walls! It is not natural for dogs to spend all their time indoors or in the yard. They need to connect with the world and be out in it.
Walking your dog through the streets or park is a primal activity that allows him/her to get to know the territory. Your dog will learn about the environment - other people and animals, and about dangers such as cars, and things to be avoided such as bikes. Walking your dog will help keep him/her mentally and physically healthy. It is an important way for him/her to bond with you - the 'pack leader'. Many problems such as digging and barking arise because dogs are restless and bored. Often, these problems can be solved simply by giving dogs more exercise.
Provide your dog with toys, and rotate them regularly to keep him/her interested. You can keep your dog busy while you are out by giving him/her a large raw marrow bone to chew, stuffing hollow (indestructible) toys with food, or providing a large block of ice that has had some treats frozen into it. However, be careful of leaving toys and bones with your dogs (if more than one) if there is no human supervision. Dogs, like children, will fight over the other one's toy or bone. Some of them are not good about sharing.

Train your dog to ensure he/she is a good canine citizen and to stop him/her getting bored. Training means you have good control over your dog both at home and in the community. It may also prevent or treat behavioural problems. If you need help, ask your vet, the city vet, dog club/ association, or rescue organizations to get a good referral for a dog trainer or dog behaviorist.
You can also enjoy fun activities with your dog by joining an obedience, flyball or agility club. This forum has posting regarding these kinds of activities.
Dog Attacks
A dog of any size or breed can become aggressive when defending its territory. Even a friendly dog may guard the area on or around his/her property, especially when you are not present.
Most dog attacks in public places occur on the footpath or road bordering the attacking dog's property. For this reason, it is important to make sure your dog is securely contained. When walking your dog, check that their collars are secure around their necks and that there leashes have no defects. Certain breeds like "pit bulls" need very strong collars and leashes as they can easily break them from their strength alone.
It is important to know how to approach dogs safely, and what to do if you are approached by an aggressive dog. In particular, children need to be taught how to behave around dogs, and parents need to be aware of the importance of active supervision. Children, particularly those aged 0-4 years old, are most at risk of serious dog bite injuries. Canadian research shows that 80% of hospitalized dog attack victims are bitten in private homes by their own dog, or that of a friend or neighbour.

Barking is a natural behaviour for dogs; it is one way they communicate. Excessive barking is often a sign that something is 'wrong'. The first step in solving the problem is to determine why your dog is barking (eg boredom, loneliness, to seek attention, to alert you of something, or due to fear/medical/physical reasons). Depending on why your dog is barking, you may need to take him/her on more frequent walks, alter the backyard environment or make it more interesting (eg provide activity toys, bones to chew), take your dog to obedience classes, or take him/her to the vet for a check up.
My neighbor's lab puppy was barking a lot when I arrived in Cebu. It kept me up all night as I have a hard time hearing continuous barking from dogs. When I spoke to them about the pup, I discovered that the pup was tied all the time. Since they didn't want the pup in-doors because she was not housebroken yet, I suggested kenneling the dog, which is better than tethering. However, do not kennel a dog for more than four hours continuously. Remember, the dog needs exercise and socialization, requiring him/her to be outside of the kennel.
Dog Poo
It is our responsibility to pick up our dog's poo regardless of where we are. There is nothing more irritating that having a nice walk in a park and stepping on dog poo! If we can show the politicians and the public that we can pick up our dog/s' poo when in public, maybe we can convince them to have more dog friendly public establishments and parks. Using grocery plastic bags that pile up in our homes make good poo bags when walking your dogs in public.
If you take your dog travelling with you in the car:
- Always have a leash on your dog when traveling in a car. If traveling alone in a car with your dog secure the leash so that the dog is not jumping around the car interfering with your driving. In the event of an accident, a restrained dog will prevent him/her from being thrown about, or from, the car. This will prevent injury to your dog, and to other passengers.
- Don't leave your dog in a car if there is any possibility of him/her becoming heat stressed. Cars can heat up quickly on even mild days. Always carry water for your dog in the car.
- If the dog is on the back of a truck or trailer ensure he/she is tied on so he/she can't fall off.
If You Can't Keep Your Dog
Circumstances may arise that mean an owner is no longer able to keep their dog. In this case owners must find an appropriate new home for the dog. Consider not turning your dog to the city pound because the dog will be killed within a week if not adopted out. Post your dog in istorya or other message boards to rehome your dog.
IRO (Island Rescue Organization)
Unfortunately, Cebu City does not still have a rescue center for animals. A new organization, IRO (Island Rescue Organization), which is the Cebu chapter for Friends for the Protection of Animals, U.S., dreams that one day, when there are the needed funds, to start a rescue/sanctuary for these unwanted companion animals and to promote their adoption. IRO's goal is to have such a center by 2011. Check out IRO in Facebook under Island Rescue Organization.
If anyone wants to help IRO and work towards this goal, attend a general meeting on March 27th! More specific information regarding the meeting will be posted soon!
(Some information from this thread was taken from a responsible pet owner article from Victoria, Canada.)