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After reading The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons, I didn't expect any of Dan Brown's sleight of hand to fool me this time around in DECEPTION POINT. But it turns out the red herrings in his yarn and the way he arranges the events before the big reveal have still worked on me. The villain and mastermind you will expect to be one person, but it is the other. I am glad that a religious reader of the Hardy Boys, as Brown himself admitted has performed the same feats of misdirection and suspense in an adult novel of the same genre. A lot of the scientific lingo doesn't stump the reader but only gives him the feeling of seeing genuine characters in the field. Like "Code" and "Angels and Demons", this book is a chase that runs less than 24 hours while Brown puts in recapitulations of life-changing events in the characters past. From the story of Tolland being a survivor alone, to Rachel Sexton's incident on ice as a child and the death of her mother directly, or indirectly caused by her father's irresponsibility. Even the mystery villain in this whodunnit has regrets of the past that eventually shaped his philosophies of why he should put remorse aside being the controller of the Delta Force. Aside from being a standard whodunnit, the plot is layered with u-turns that some of us wouldn't expect; but would root for in the end. You might feel some sympathy even for the mastermind of the deception, however Brown makes the readers fortify their hardened hearts to one of the most antagonistic and depraved characters in the story and shifts our sympathies for the woman who once worshipped him but was betrayed. Corky Marlinson is funny at times annoying as comic relief, especially in the book's final scene in the White House.
You will see Rachel Sexton's three-dimensionality in the course of the book's action as it opens with her as an efficient, somewhat-cold professional and you will get to appreciate her and admire her more, even so as Brown takes u-turn from any notion you might get at denouement and reconcilation from the man who has ruined her life and that of her mother's. If this was written as a motion picture I'd definitely go for Rachel McAdams or Jennifer Connelly for Rachel Sexton... Hugh Jackman for Tolland... Jack Black for Corky? No? But as I write this there is no movie yet or plans that I have heard of, so pick up the book I highly recommend it for a fun and suspenseful read.