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Everyone here seems to think highly of Ramon Magsaysay... this might be worth reading...
***excerpts from the book of Alexander Lacson*** a very young and promising politician.
Let me share with you the story of the late President Chung Hee Park of South Korea. After the Korean war in 1954, South Korea became one of the worlds poorest, with so much political instability. Then in 1961, a military sstaged a coup d'etat and installed Army General Park Chung Hee as president.
As president, he tried to borrow money from other countries, but was always rejected because of his country's very bad economic situation. so Park sent many mine laborers, railway workers and nurses to Germany so they could work and send money back to Korea to help its economy. In 1964, Park visited Germany to borrow money. Several hundreds of Koreans came to welcome him at the airport in Germany, and they cried when they saw him. They told him of their hard work, low pay and of the ill treatment they were getting from the Germans. Park cried with them, openly, in front of the press and the public. The German Chancellor was moved by the incident, and Germany became the first country to give a loan to Korea. Park used the loaned money to build factories in South Korea.
When park became president in 1961, Korea had less than 200 university graduates and only a handful with PhDs. The country did not have economists of high caliber, foreign trained or home-grown. Park himself did not have superlative credentials. But he was honest, both in real life and in the eyes of the public. At the time of his death in 1981, he remained a poor man. His nation was pleasantly shocked to discover that he owned only one property, an old apartment which he bought and used for his family before he became president. But in 1981, South Korea had already become an emerging tiger in Asia. Its economy almost 5 times better than the Philippines.
Half a century ago, the Philippines had a taste of that kind of leader - in Ramon Magsaysay. Unlike the first 5 presidents before him - Quezon, Laurel, Osmena, Roxas and Quirino (all bar topnotchers and brilliant lawyers) - Ramon Magsaysay did not have the superlative credentials. He finished his BS Commerce "without distinction" from Jose Rizal College. But like Abraham Lincoln and George Washington and Park Chung Hee, Magsaysay was fiercely honest and humble. At the time of his death on 17 March 1957, he had only P2,000 to leave to his family. Despite the many years he stayed in Manila as congressman, Secretary of National Defense and later as President, he never owned a house for his family in Manila. His friends and sympathizers had to pitch in to buy a home for his widow and children after his death.
Magsaysay was a leader truly adored and followed in spirit by almost everyone in the land. The Filipino had faith in him. As a result, he was able to make the Filipinos work for a common dream, even Hukbalahap leader Luis Taruc. In 3 years that he was president, the country's annual GNP rate averaged 7.3%, the second highest in our nation's history. This happened because Magsaysay had the support of practically all sectors of society, except the opposition. Seeing their president as honest, most government men performed honestly. Seeing this, businessmen and people started paying taxes properly. Unfortunately, death snatched him away from the nation.
Honesty, more than a master's or doctorate degree, is what gives credibility. It is also the one that sustains it. And credibility is essential, because it is every leader's link to the people. It is what makes the people look to one direction, follow a common vision, and perform a uniform act. In short, credibility is what makes people follow the leader.
Honesty more than anything, is what makes a good leader. It is the solid core of the character of every great leader in history. It is the core of one's character, says George Washington. Remove honesty, and the man has no character.
Lao Tzu, a famous Chinese philosopher, said - "In choosing a leader, character is the most important quality. Intelligence and skills come second in importance." Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest leaders mankind has ever produced, had something similar to say - "power is best used by a leader who has character". Plato said "he who does not seek power is the most qualified to hold it"
Honesty is the core of character, while character is the core of leadership. And leadership is the core of every success - In every company's success, in every team's victory, and in every nation's march to progress. According to John Maxwell, "everything rises and falls with leadership."