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  1. #71

    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post
    yeah, insert GOD in the equation and it is automatically possible. heck, GOD even impregnated a virgin woman. whatta surprise.
    what do you mean insert God? God has been and will always be part of the equation, He is the prime mover of the stories found in the bible. You can't leave God out.

    God is part of the story so why leave him out? you can't have 2 in the equation of 1+1 if you leave out one part.

    here is an illustration...let us say...naa kai amigo let us call him friend no. 1, he ask you to accompany him to a car shop because he wanted to buy a new car. His Billionaire father had just put Millions of pesos sa iyang bank account. then pag abot nimo sa school you shared the story to your other friends...Guys si friend no. 1 nipalit og bago nga awto, then your other friends started to criticized your friend no.1...they say..." gi unsa man pag palit niya og BMW nga wala man siyay source of income?" "gi unsa man niya pagkuha sa Millions nga tapolan man siya"

    have you notice anything? something is missing, the part where his billionaire father deposited millions of pesos to his bank account is missing. so ang pagsabot nila sa story is incomplete because something is missing, their criticism is based on misinformation.

    same thing with the story of the flood. atheists would always leave the God-element of the story. giving the reader an incomplete picture.

    Its not us who "inserted" God, its the atheists who left it out.

  2. #72

  3. #73
    i think noah's ark is a representation of a simple Mass exticntion jus like wat happend in 2012 . where in the end they made theyre vesel..

    thinking of the waters , There is a so called ice age , and if this end . ice will melt which myth might think ,. everything was submerged but its jus actually the fraction of the lands..

  4. #74
    To the question Do I believe in the 6 day creation? my answer is yup. I mean again I'm a believer so I believe that God created the Universe.

    My intelligence,well, we all have that right?, cannot accept the theory that Life came from dead matter. I mean how can a non-living-no brain-no conscience- soulless chemical or energy developed into an entity of life? It requires A LOT of faith to believe in that.

    what my intelligence can accept tho is life came from Life. Intelligence came from Super Intelligence, Soul came from Absolute Soul. That makes sense, very logical and it requires little faith to believe in that. you see faith is based really on logic.

    but there's the question of What or who created the Creator? well by definition God is the uncreated Creator.

    what else we can say about God? Well, God by definition is beyond time and therefore timeless. what does that mean? well, time had a beginning at the moment of creation. But since God is timeless it is safe therefore to conclude that he is the ETERNAL uncreated creator. not so with the physical world. The Universe is not eternal but had a beginning therefore not timeless and therefore was created.

  5. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by cromagnon View Post
    f were not , are we from ashes.
    We are comprised mostly of star dust, as is all of this creation. Man was made from dust.
    What is the true value of man? Just under eight US dollars worth of minerals.
    Last edited by jamesmusslewhite; 03-28-2010 at 01:32 AM.

  6. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post
    yeah, insert GOD in the equation and it is automatically possible. heck, GOD even impregnated a virgin woman. whatta surprise.
    Just because one choose to be blinded to the possibilities of such things, does not mean they are not so.

  7. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by hizuka007 View Post
    murag motuo ko aning from apes ang tawo... kay according kay darwin ingun ani man ang evolution o:

    Now this is more believable that the Darwin charts. hahahahaha
    This actually supports women's claim that all men are pigs.

  8. #78
    ^^hahaha. nagkatawa jd ko sa pics.

  9. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by cromagnon View Post
    man came from apes?
    according to our phylogeny, we did not EVOLVE from APES, but we do share a common ancestor. however, the apes and humans diverged from that common branch into distinct species...thus, saying that humans came from apes is inaccurate.

    but, it really all comes down to whether you believe in EVOLUTION or the written words of the bible. i don't think they're mutually exclusive... maybe, both are true, we just have to expand our knowledge even more (that is, if we're capable of acquiring such knowledge)

    try reading angels and demons... it tries to explain the bible version of how the universe was created by their discovery of anti-matter. they wanted to bring science and religion together.. although a fictional work, it still opens your mind up a bit for the possibility.

  10. #80
    wala sa duha.... hehe..

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