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  1. #1

    Unhappy Is it ok to get JEALOUS if you see your EX naay lain?


    Hi guys here i am again!! telling u some love problems.. I thought we are in good terms now sa akong x.. yeah were friends right now.. then i just found na naa lng d i gihapon sila communication sa iyang x which is the reason y ngbuwag me!!

    Question: Is it proper ba na mgjealous ko towards nilang duha?
    Then why he ask me out during Valentines day kung ganahan pa d i cya sa iyang x?
    Yeah were good friends na karon, then why i get jealous man?

    plssss i need ur suggestions and comments..

  2. #2
    selos lang ka pero wla ka mahims ana...

    kay bsag bali balihon pa nmo ang usa ka iro, iro japon... hehehehe

    Its normal to get jealous if your ex kay klaru man gud naa pa ka feelings niya and bsag unsaon bali bali, bsag mo ana ra ka friends RA MO.

    wala jud ka ka get over sa imo past. YABU japon ka.

    nag tuyok2 ra jud mong duha... hehehe

    emong exbf na friend nmo ron - wala pa na tanto kah getover jud sa iyang exgf. (is the ex gf single?)
    ikaw na amiga na lang karon - wala pa ka get over sa feelings.. bsag unsaon nmo accept dira...

    u can't be healed unless u dont know understand the real meaning of acceptance and moving onwards and not backward....

  3. #3
    natural ra na imong gibati TS.. you are actually normal.. hehehe...

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by mystes View Post
    selos lang ka pero wla ka mahims ana...

    kay bsag bali balihon pa nmo ang usa ka iro, iro japon... hehehehe

    Its normal to get jealous if your ex kay klaru man gud naa pa ka feelings niya and bsag unsaon bali bali, bsag mo ana ra ka friends RA MO.

    wala jud ka ka get over sa imo past. YABU japon ka.

    nag tuyok2 ra jud mong duha... hehehe

    emong exbf na friend nmo ron - wala pa na tanto kah getover jud sa iyang exgf. (is the ex gf single?)
    ikaw na amiga na lang karon - wala pa ka get over sa feelings.. bsag unsaon nmo accept dira...

    u can't be healed unless u dont know understand the real meaning of acceptance and moving onwards and not backward....
    i really hate this thing!! ngano abot pman ni cya sa akong life sis oi!!! am i stupid?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by treize View Post
    natural ra na imong gibati TS.. you are actually normal.. hehehe...
    ahahah ang ang man abnormal kaguol oi!!

  6. #6
    panguyab nalang ug lain dai, para ma-wala na imo selos2x

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by jocylanne View Post
    i really hate this thing!! ngano abot pman ni cya sa akong life sis oi!!! am i stupid?
    every person u meet has its reason and purposes..
    and ideally, dont hate it,
    embrace it, deal with it,
    grow with it,
    and learn from it.

    Nobody is stupid in this planet.
    U already know, wat you gonna do jud,
    pero in the long run, if imo tong buhaton na decision,
    masakitan jud ka- which is normal ra na.

    Withstand what your decision in life and face it...

    easy to say, but the most hardest part of it is making a DECISION and act with it.

    take your time but sooner or later, u gonna decide....

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by jocylanne View Post
    i really hate this thing!! ngano abot pman ni cya sa akong life sis oi!!! am i stupid?
    no your not stupid.. maybe dumb... hehehe... peace

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
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    It's normal to feel such but not anymore ok to act in accordance of what you feel.........

  10. #10
    your being good friends doesn't mean nga wla na kay feelings niya.. kay maskin bali-balihon pa nimo ug tanaw, naa pa jpon ka feelings for him.. and don't worry, normal ra na imong feelings..

    sis, ka try ko ug similar situation before.. after ngbuwag mi sa akong ex, i wanted to stay friends with him kay naanad ko naa cya sa akong life.. since 3rd yr high school pa gud and throughout college.. pero ako ray luoy ato kay everytime naa cya ka-chuva, ako ray masakitan.. ako ra jud alkansi ato.. it went on for around 2 years.. so meaning for two years wla ko ka-get over.. kadugay ana.. sayang kaau ang life..

    so mao na, sa akong opinion, i think you should terminate communication usa with him.. kay mas dugay ka maka-get over if sige mog talk or kita or watever.. and kato nakigdate cya nimo pagvalentines, ayaw to butangi ug meaning.. ayaw i-raise imong expectations kay ikaw ra masakitan..

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