be...wat if walay HIV, what if walay AID, what if walay STD and other diseases pertaining to s e x....bad dyapon?
be...wat if walay HIV, what if walay AID, what if walay STD and other diseases pertaining to s e x....bad dyapon?
bad daw ingon sila........
depends sa person uy..di man ta ka-insist na correct or wrong ang 1 nyt stand..if liberated ang tao then ok, if dili then d pud ok..d man ta parepareho..depends also sa my case, kung single ko then ok lang..if I'm commited then d's that simple..
Bad gihapon wala na may respect sa kaugalingon, pagamit man bisan walay feelings.
one night stand is No Good.
for me its bad....u shud give ur body 2 d prson u love lng jud unta...
Bad ni if mag cge ra mo og stand.. kakapoy ana! hehehe...
Bitaw, dli jud ni maayo..
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