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  1. #41

    CBCP urges voters not to look at surveys, ads -, Philippine News for Filipinos

    MANILA, Philippines – "Winnability," as measured by a good performance in surveys, should not be used as a criterion for voting, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines said on Sunday.

    In its pastoral statement on occasion of its 100th General Assembly, the CBCP called on voters to follow their conscience, not the results of pre-election surveys, in deciding who to vote for in the coming elections.

    “Do not be swayed by survey results or political advertisements. Follow the dictates of your conscience after a prayerful and collective period of discernment,” read the CBCP’s statement.

    “‘Winnability’ is not at all a criterion for voting!” it further said.

    Ang Kapatiran Party Website

  2. #42

    Default Ang Kapatiran Party Proclamation Rally

    Ang Kapatiran Party Proclamation Rally on Feb. 16

    The Ang Kapatiran Party (AKP) will hold its proclamation rally among the poorest of the poor: in Payatas, Lupang Pangako, Quezon City, hardly a stone's throw from the garbage dumps where scavengers dig through the filth to scratch out a living. The rally will be on February 16, 2010, Tuesday.

    The candidates to be proclaimed by the party incude Olongapo Councilor John Carlos "JC" De los Reyes, presidential candidate; and Atty. Dominador "Jun" Chipeco, vice-presidiental candidate

    The party has also fielded eight senatorial candidates: Mr. Rizalito "Lito" David, Atty. Jo Aurea "Jo" Imbong, Atty. Zosimo "Jess" Paredes, Atty. Grace Riñoza-Plazo, Atty. Adrian Sison, Coun. Reginald "Regie" Tamayo, Col. Hector "Tarzan" Tarrazona, and Mr. Manuel "Manny" Valdehuesa.

    AKP members with JC Delos Reyes

    Official website: Ang Kapatiran Party

  3. #43
    too ambitious to directly run for a presidential position... start nalang unta siya sa senate he would have a chance of winning pa... but PRESIDENT toinkz!

  4. #44
    Ang Kapatiran Party
    Ang Kapatiran Party

    The Alliance for the Common Good or Ang Kapatiran is a Comelec-registered national political party that stands on a platform with clear and specific policy objectives all aimed at enhancing the common good, promoting the politics of virtue and the politics of duty.

    Ang Kapatiran will focus more on moral principles than political expediency, more on the needs of the poor and the vulnerable than the interests of the rich and the powerful, more on the pursuit of the common good than the demands of special interests, and more on the culture of life than the culture of death.

    What makes Ang Kapatiran different from the other political parties is that it has a platform with clear, specific policy objectives and all its national and local candidates are committed to support the Party's platform. With a musical score under the title "common good," its candidates will be like members of an orchestra playing harmoniously and producing a perfect symphony. Not a single discordant note shall be allowed.

    The Politics of Virtue. Ang Kapatiran will introduce the "politics of virtue." The cultivation of virtue makes individuals happy, wise, courageous, competent. The result is a good person, a responsible citizen and parent, a trusted leader. Without a virtuous people, society cannot function well. And without a virtuous society, individuals cannot realize their own or the common good. This is what the politics of virtue is all about.

    The Politics of Duty. What has destroyed our political culture has been an over-insistence on rights at the expense of responsibilities. If everyone will do his/her duty there will be no occasion for anyone to claim one's right. Ang Kapatiran will lead in reviving the idea that small sacrifices by individuals can create benefits for all. It is well to remember "that men individually are responsible for what they make of themselves but collectively they are responsible for the world in which they live."

    Ang Kapatiran believes that "the future will be different if we make the present different." Clearly, Ang Kapatiran is a viable alternative.

  5. #45
    nuisance...... start with the congress.....and grow up....

  6. #46
    Ang Kapatiran Proclamation Rally

    The rally was held at the covered courts at Barangay Lupang Pangako,
    with a seven-storey mountain of garbage as a backdrop

    AKP Presidentgial candidate JC de los Reyes

    Mrs. Dunia de los Reyes and daughter Barbie

    Children of Lupang Pangako, Payatas, Q.C.

    The kids were fantastic hosts to the AKP personnel

    Ang Kapatiran Party website
    Vote for Life! Vote for Reform!
    Vote for Ang Kapatiran candidates.

  7. #47
    how many voting members INC has?

  8. #48
    A very good contender for good governance, but politics is such an arena won most of the time by the known and the veterans.
    I'm looking forward to see him again in the near future in fulfillment of his supposed aspirations.

  9. #49
    The world needs men...

    Who cannot be bought;
    Whose word is their bond;
    Who put character above wealth;
    Who possess opinions and a will;
    Who are larger than their vocation;
    Who do not hesitate to take chances;
    Who will not lose their individuality in a crowd;
    Who will be as honest in small things as in great things;
    Who will make no compromise with wrong;
    Whose ambitions are not confined to their own selfish desires;
    Who will not say they do it “because everybody does it;”
    Who are true to their friends through good report and evil report, in adversity as* well as in prosperity;
    Who do not believe that shrewdness, cunning and hard-headedness are the best qualities for winning success;
    Who are not ashamed or afraid to stand for the truth when it is unpopular, who can say “no” with emphasis, although the rest of the world says “yes.”

    -- Author unknown

    Ang Kapatiran Party website
    Vote for Life! Vote for Reform!
    Vote for Ang Kapatiran candidates.
    Last edited by mannyamador; 02-22-2010 at 09:50 PM.

  10. #50

    Default Ang Kapatiran Party Statement on Women's Month

    Ang Kapatiran Party Statement on Women's Month

    As the nation observes Women's Month this March, the Ang Kapatiran (AKP) calls on all Filipinos to be vigilant of deceptive initiatives already underway that undermine women's rights, health, and even threaten their lives and families.

    In particular, the AKP notes that the RH/Abortion Bill (also known as HB 5043), while failing to pass during the 14th Congress, is still being pushed through local ordinances and will most probably be filed again after the May elections.

    The proposed bill explicitly funds the procurement and distribution of abortifacient contraceptives. Such contraceptives have been shown to cause early-term abortions by preventing the implantation and development of the fertilized egg -- which is already a newly-conceived human being -- in the womb. This is clearly against the Philippine Constitution which protects the unborn from conception which begins at fertilization (the union of sperm and egg).

    The penal provisions of HB 5043 also violate basic human rights, including freedom of conscience. The bill will force doctors and health workers to distribute abortifacient and artificial contraceptives against their conscience, or force them to refer those who request for such to other persons who will do the same objectionable act. Those who refuse to do so face heavy fines and imprisonment.

    "The mandated s3x education programs in schools for the very young (beginning with 4th graders) is a form of child abuse that forces young children to sexual knowledge without their consent." said AKP presidential candidate John Carlos "JC" delos Reyes.

    AKP is also disturbed by the fact that the Magna Carta for Women mandates strict adherence to international treaties that may be interpreted as promoting a "right" to abortion, which clearly contradicts the Philippine Constitution. The Party wishes to reiterate that the Philippine Constitution is the fundamental law of the land and takes precedence over any international treaty.

    The Party objects to recent activities by the DOH and private groups promoting the use of contraceptives for birth control, AIDS prevention, and even as treatment for skin blemishes. Such programs are dangerous because people are not adequately informed of the dangerous side-effects of many such contraceptives. Numerous scientific studies have shown that Increased contraceptive use promotes risky casual s3x and multiple s3x partners, which leads to more unplanned pregnancies, abortions, and sexually transmitted diseases.

    These insidious and deceptive developments, the AKP believes, pose a real danger to women's lives and rights, to families, and even to our democracy.

    In line with it's pro-life principles, the AKP also advocates stricter controls on firearms beginning with a gun-carrying ban in public places, as well as the disbanding of private armies and abolition of the death penalty.

    The Ang Kapatiran Party is an accredited national political party that espouses a pro-God, pro-life platform as an antidote to the traditional personality-based parties that have dominated and debased Philippine politics for decades.

    Ang Kapatiran Party website
    Vote for Life! Vote for Reform!
    Vote for Ang Kapatiran candidates.
    Last edited by mannyamador; 03-04-2010 at 04:59 PM.

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