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  1. #31

    Quote Originally Posted by vienzel View Post
    i perfectly understand what u r trying to tell me. please try to read my post prior to ur quoted one. if u did, i do not mean to be so rude or inhumane in my comments. i might just be straight forward and speaking in a matter of fact way and basing on personal observation from the changing times.

    wala ko manumbat bisan kinsa and i am just trying to point out some characters of nurses at present compared to the past decade or so not meaning to be self righteous but infact to make a stand that we need to be patient especially nowadays are the most difficult times to look for a job compared to the past. dont u think we havent experience that part too? but in our time, hilom nalang amo baba ky since time immorial basin HS or elementary pa mo guro mao na ni ang culture sa hospitals or even ang PNA. the organization has never change a bit and how i wish they will do wat u have said....i wish a change in our govt as well.

    ayaw ikasuko or ikasakit sa inyong bu-ot ky inigsoon ra ni na obserbasyon ug suggestion. as u will read all my reply to most nursing threads, all are uplifting, highly spirited post or suggestions. if u read my post, just read it as is and there is nothing more to that. no offense to all RNs....
    haLah...i don't meaN to intRude betwEen d exchaNges of opIninioNs here... bUt i beLieve bOth of u may have made soMe poiNts... thaNks to bOth of uR "soRt of" coNtrastiNg opiNions... i kNow baSed on uR own exPerienCes na so... weLL i'm geTTing a lot of inputs fRom you... aNd i hope nO oNe gets oFfeNded by eaCh othEr kai we are all nuRses heRe whO are tRyinG to seEk heLp frOm eacH otheR with tHe prEsent situatioN sa mga RN here iN the PhiL... so chiLL oUt Lang tah guYs...

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by dEvEaNN View Post
    haLah...i don't meaN to intRude betwEen d exchaNges of opIninioNs here... bUt i beLieve bOth of u may have made soMe poiNts... thaNks to bOth of uR "soRt of" coNtrastiNg opiNions... i kNow baSed on uR own exPerienCes na so... weLL i'm geTTing a lot of inputs fRom you... aNd i hope nO oNe gets oFfeNded by eaCh othEr kai we are all nuRses heRe whO are tRyinG to seEk heLp frOm eacH otheR with tHe prEsent situatioN sa mga RN here iN the PhiL... so chiLL oUt Lang tah guYs...
    i totally agree with you...i have no problem with that at all!!! the moment u posted ur reply to my post just then i heard you. i didnt say anything further. give my regards to Dr. Larry Dela Cruz in Miller and my good friend at Infectious Dse. at CHH, which i cant divulge her name here but she got initials as C.I.

    i dont really mind if my initial post was misunderstood in its context by someone or any1 out there coz i am always open for communication and discussion. anybody can ask or clarify if needed as long as we will all stay civil and professional which actually so far is doing gud in this thread.

    as far as i can remember man gud ky wa gyud nausab ang culture sa hospitals or other facilities nato diha. it WHOM U KNOW and NOT WAT U KNOW ang system. another is SENIORITY gyud na hiring sa ato-a. first volunteer ka and u will pay for ur fees just for them to accommodate u sa volunteership program. ikaw pa ang mo trabaho for them ug ikaw pa ang mubayad. isnt this happening still today? kami sa una ky way mahimo but mo-duko nalang ky mao man ang system sukad pa. mao patience ra gyud ang naa sa bulsa namo adto na time.

    some of my friends wer able to do training/volunteership as Dialysis RNs sa mga OPD clinics like ARC ba na. naka practice pod sila sa in-house HD sa hospitals nato. i dont know the whole story ani how they did it but i didnt get the same chance as them. however, i just got lucky... i got the job outside.
    Last edited by vienzel; 02-22-2010 at 04:21 AM.

  3. #33
    wa pko ka try anang miller,well it's an opportunity na sis, grab it.. It's nice to practice our profession .. Kung naa lng koy enough money nga mo work as a nurse without being paid then mo go jud ko.. So, ky wa mn ng apply nlng ko ug work sa laing field where I can support my self.. Paet sad baya nga mura ra nako ug gikalimtan ang akong nkat-unan sa akong 4 years sa skol. Karon, mgtigom sako if nana koy enough money mg volunteer nku.. So, kamong mga new nurses, samtang mo support pa ang inyong parents sa in-ung pag volunteer... then, go go go! goodluck to all...

  4. #34
    i had my voLunteer exp sa miLLer Last yr, feb-may 09. aku msuLti is WORTH IT ang imu gbayran. HANDS ON super. as in imu tanan from bedmaking to bedbath & etc. super ma enhance jud imu skiLLs. try nia mu

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by jxyra_07 View Post
    i had my voLunteer exp sa miLLer Last yr, feb-may 09. aku msuLti is WORTH IT ang imu gbayran. HANDS ON super. as in imu tanan from bedmaking to bedbath & etc. super ma enhance jud imu skiLLs. try nia mu

    reaLLy hhmmm..i thinK pareha ta feb-maY na batch..dis yeAr lang ko...excited na pud ko to enhance my skills...i heard a lot of good things bout sa Miller na trainees pud...

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by baby_r0930 View Post
    wa pko ka try anang miller,well it's an opportunity na sis, grab it.. It's nice to practice our profession .. Kung naa lng koy enough money nga mo work as a nurse without being paid then mo go jud ko.. So, ky wa mn ng apply nlng ko ug work sa laing field where I can support my self.. Paet sad baya nga mura ra nako ug gikalimtan ang akong nkat-unan sa akong 4 years sa skol. Karon, mgtigom sako if nana koy enough money mg volunteer nku.. So, kamong mga new nurses, samtang mo support pa ang inyong parents sa in-ung pag volunteer... then, go go go! goodluck to all...
    btaw sis...tRue juD... thOugh it's not eaSy na wa koi souRce of iNcome jud whiLe ga voLunteeR ko...i knOw this is an inVestmenT man pud foR my fuTure... LisUd man e appLy sa aBroad gud ug wa tai expErrienCE... i knoW exactLy how u feLt na mwoRk outsiDE sa atOng fieLd of expertise...char!!! hehhe...btaw kai last yr nagwork ko call ceNter bec of fiNanciaL reasoNs nYa i feEL reaLLy enviouS everyTime makahibaw ko waT na proGress sa ako mga frieNds...volUnteer dire, voLunteer did2...masteraL anD etc... kaNang feELing na behInd na kaAu ka ba... but ako ra juD perme e teLL sa ako GOd has greaT pLans foR me... maybe mauwaHe tah for a whiLe but eventuaLLy wa ta kahibaw mAs niNdot pa aNG oppoRtunities waiting ahead nato dba so gOod Luck pud nmu sis...

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by vienzel View Post
    i totally agree with you...i have no problem with that at all!!! the moment u posted ur reply to my post just then i heard you. i didnt say anything further. give my regards to Dr. Larry Dela Cruz in Miller and my good friend at Infectious Dse. at CHH, which i cant divulge her name here but she got initials as C.I.

    i dont really mind if my initial post was misunderstood in its context by someone or any1 out there coz i am always open for communication and discussion. anybody can ask or clarify if needed as long as we will all stay civil and professional which actually so far is doing gud in this thread.

    as far as i can remember man gud ky wa gyud nausab ang culture sa hospitals or other facilities nato diha. it WHOM U KNOW and NOT WAT U KNOW ang system. another is SENIORITY gyud na hiring sa ato-a. first volunteer ka and u will pay for ur fees just for them to accommodate u sa volunteership program. ikaw pa ang mo trabaho for them ug ikaw pa ang mubayad. isnt this happening still today? kami sa una ky way mahimo but mo-duko nalang ky mao man ang system sukad pa. mao patience ra gyud ang naa sa bulsa namo adto na time.

    some of my friends wer able to do training/volunteership as Dialysis RNs sa mga OPD clinics like ARC ba na. naka practice pod sila sa in-house HD sa hospitals nato. i dont know the whole story ani how they did it but i didnt get the same chance as them. however, i just got lucky... i got the job outside.
    HI...weLL..good foR u ma'am na naa nKa dha...
    i'm not sure if i haPPen to know your acquaintances sa MIller ma'am but if i might haPPen to kNow them in d next few weeks of my stay sa Miller as a trainee, i will surely extenD ur best regards for him... i believe nothiNg has changed sa system dre ma'am siNce sa imonG time...kaNang WHOM U KNOW and NOT WAT U KNOW system kai grabeh na jud weLL as paYing for vOlunteership prOgram... wa jUd mhiMo miNg mga RN na nag apAs ug expeRience... hOpe foR the besT nLang jud mi... na soMedaY, all d haRdships wiLL eNd kai aNa maN jud na...suCcess is taKen One stEp at a time... so naa Pa jud ko sa Bottom step as of now...hehehe...but i'm haPPy at Least naa nakoi proGres...

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by dEvEaNN View Post
    HI...weLL..good foR u ma'am na naa nKa dha...
    i'm not sure if i haPPen to know your acquaintances sa MIller ma'am but if i might haPPen to kNow them in d next few weeks of my stay sa Miller as a trainee, i will surely extenD ur best regards for him... i believe nothiNg has changed sa system dre ma'am siNce sa imonG time...kaNang WHOM U KNOW and NOT WAT U KNOW system kai grabeh na jud weLL as paYing for vOlunteership prOgram... wa jUd mhiMo miNg mga RN na nag apAs ug expeRience... hOpe foR the besT nLang jud mi... na soMedaY, all d haRdships wiLL eNd kai aNa maN jud na...suCcess is taKen One stEp at a time... so naa Pa jud ko sa Bottom step as of now...hehehe...but i'm haPPy at Least naa nakoi proGres...
    ayaw gyud mo kabalaka ana na naa pa ta sa lowest level, not even think na basi ahead na imo mga kauban tungod sa choices na ato gi make...everybody will have his own chance but that will surely be depending ni LORD. d pod ka ka sure na kato ahead nimo mao ang mauna ug hire abroad ky dako kaau posibilidad na basi ikaw pa mauna!

    yup...ato system wa gyud na mausab so ayaw nalang mo paghago ug konsimisyon or ka frustrate ky ato system ky broken man gyud eversince pa sa una.

    just work on ur dream and ur future one day at a time and u will see ur growth soon!

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by dEvEaNN View Post
    kuaN ang exaM 45 items dae...den dghan ug computation..hahahah..unya kai na mental block jud ko ae...saun ra anG dili computtaion i think kaso ad2 jud ko nsangit sa numberz..... kinsa nkatake dre entrance exam sa chong hua hospital dre gtawagan pud ko...waaahhh..nagdungan2 na man huon..bhala na 2ng miller bsta mpasar lang ko sa chong hua....

    kumusta ang entrance exam sa CHH teh? sayon ra? recently, gitawagan ko for the said exam for next week.. unsay dapat nko tun-an teh? thanx! XD

  10. #40
    nice raman daw ang miller.. kay ako mga amiga diha man ga work..

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