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  1. #1

    Default Nvidia's Fermi GTX480 is broken and unfixable

    As we have been saying since last May, Fermi GF100 is the wrong chip, made the wrong way, for the wrong reasons. Dear Leader has opened the proverbial can of Whoop-Ass on the competition, and on top of that criticized Intel's Larrabee for everything that ended up sinking Fermi GF100. Intel had the common sense to refocus Larrabee and take a PR hit rather than pouring tens of millions more dollars down the drain for no good reason. It doesn't look like Nvidia has the management skills to make that call. The company not only designed a 'Laughabee', it went against all sense and built that too.
    Read on:

    SemiAccurate :: Nvidia's Fermi GTX480 is broken and unfixable

    Yup the site's name isn't so much convincing, but read on.
    Last edited by Sempron Guy; 02-22-2010 at 11:42 AM.

  2. #2
    Ma kbaw ra nato if broken when reviewers get it, the Rumored release date in the US right now is March 27? Delayed nsad, if that date its true, the first FERMI would come in the philippines by May or June.

    how is the site not convincing ? most of its articles are true by the way. Remember wood screws?

    but nvidia people hate it

    Fudzilla = NVIDIA Sponsored
    SemiAccurate = ATI Sponsored
    Last edited by andz; 02-22-2010 at 12:03 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by andz View Post
    Ma kbaw ra nato if broken when reviewers get it, the Rumored release date in the US right now is March 27? Delayed nsad, if that date its true, the first FERMI would come in the philippines by May or June.

    how is the site not convincing ? most of its articles are true by the way. Remember wood screws?

    but nvidia people hate it

    Fudzilla = NVIDIA Sponsored
    SemiAccurate = ATI Sponsored
    amazing..fudzilla had changed sides..

    it used to be and amd fanboy's article site....

    and sakto ka sir andz..

    let's wait for the reviews...

    ..year of the tiger...

    hopefully..fermi's not another paper tiger..

  4. #4
    Up ta ani...............

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by andz View Post
    how is the site not convincing ?
    coz its SEMI-accurate. lol

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by andz View Post
    Ma kbaw ra nato if broken when reviewers get it, the Rumored release date in the US right now is March 27? Delayed nsad, if that date its true, the first FERMI would come in the philippines by May or June.

    how is the site not convincing ? most of its articles are true by the way. Remember wood screws?

    but nvidia people hate it

    Fudzilla = NVIDIA Sponsored
    SemiAccurate = ATI Sponsored
    Not convincing 'cause of the site's name..hehe. Some people by just knowing the name, might stop right there and not read the article. Anyway, yup, also waiting for that date. Quite excited how things will come up this 2nd quarter.

  7. #7
    GTX 480 will launch in 26-28 march 2010 and it would be 40-50% faster than 5870.
    Price between 5870 and 5970.

    So cut it out with broken and unfixable....

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    GTX 480 will launch in 26-28 march 2010 and it would be 40-50% faster than 5870.
    Price between 5870 and 5970.

    So cut it out with broken and unfixable....
    sakto ka bro... except lang sa 40-50% faster than 5870... that is yet to be confirm... inig ma-release na gyud ang card. that is what nvidia projected... nga 40-50% faster ang ilang card sa current 5870. lets see...

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by fish View Post
    sakto ka bro... except lang sa 40-50% faster than 5870... that is yet to be confirm... inig ma-release na gyud ang card. that is what nvidia projected... nga 40-50% faster ang ilang card sa current 5870. lets see...
    if faster 40-50% then mu comensurate ni cya with higher power requirement

  10. #10
    Charlie has predicted the demise of nVidia on innumerable occasions...

    does semiaccurate have any credibility? (specifically charlie demerjian)

  11.    Advertisement

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