*due to my work and on the chinese new year hangover (screw valentines, go to hell please). I am a bit late for posting this. So please pardon me like a convict*
NOTE: I am still waiting for the owner's permission on this one. This may or may not go however I will have an answer this Sunday night.
Shamelessly stolen from the previous LAN Party and from jiggy's typical LP template, I present to you the BFW Gaming LAN Party February 27, 2010!
What: LAN Party &
Porn File Sharing!!!
When: February 27, 2010. 6:00PM to the next morning!
Where: DotA Boys Internet Cafe.
Here's a map for the location
Who: Everyone! If you game and you have a computer you can bring in the LAN Party, you're in! If you don't have a PC but you game, you can just use any PC in the cafe.
Assembly Time: 5:00PM-6:00PM
Registration Fee: P200.00
FREE Internet access, 19" AOC LCD MONITORS, Keyboard, Mouse and LAN CABLES ARE PROVIDED
For those who prefer not to bring their rigs, they can just use any available PC in the cafe for the same FEE overnight!
1. Team Fortress 2 (Will also probably play PropHunt mod. To know what prophunt is, look here:
YouTube - Team Fortress 2: Hide and Seek Mod (Prop-Hunt))
Alien versus Predator
-You don't have to limit yourself on playing the games listed above, you can play or suggest other games in the middle of the event. We're free on switching games though.
-You don't have to have the games listed in the list. If you don't have that game, there's always file sharing.
File Sharing as emphasized by vern
For the past few LAN Parties, we temporarily stop playing at 4am so we could do some file sharing. In this event, don't limit yourselves to pure gaming. If you have some
heart-healthy Porno good stuff there like movies or games
and porn, share it to the folks. Don't be selfish. If you're looking for some files, tell us and we may just have what you want.
Only enlist if you are 100% sure you can attend. PM me if you are enlisting. Thanks!
Here's a list of the attendees:
0.) Redeuxx/VERN (byopc)
1.) dbgg1979/jiggy
2.) personalmgt (byopc)
3.) isaaclobot (byopc)
4.) dmelsie (byo-WATER JUG)
5.) dmelsie (matrona este kauban)
6.) ...
Checklist for those who want to bring their own PC
- Your PC - obviously
- Keyboard, Mouse and Mousepad
- Power cords
- Adapters (3 to 2 prong plugs)
- VGA to DVI Dongle (If your video card only has DVI ports, then make sure to bring one because the monitors there are VGA/Analog. However, me and the shop has lots of it) - It looks like this. Because the connector in the LCD of the internet cafe use VGA which looks like this. Without the dongle, you will not be able to connect the LCD to your video card.
- Headset
- Free up at least 20Gb in your main OS drive and 30G for your game installation drive. There's also the Porn File Sharing session so make sure to free up a little bit because you might run out of space for the Porn Files.
- Update your Drivers, Directx, .Net to the latest version.
- Update your antivirus. Don't blame us if your PC gets infected by others.
- If you have a software FIREWALL in your PC make sure you know how to manage it and allow the games access, otherwise turn it off or uninstall it.
What to bring, aside from your RIGs
- Lots of water. You can easily get dehydrated in airconditioned rooms overnight. Not good for the healthy boys

- Snacks - Be generous, bring extra for others.

- Money for dinner and snacks.
- Jacket (if you don't have body fat to insulate you from the cold AC)

- Coffee or Energy drinks (To stay awake through the 2nd half of the night)
- Mug for coffee (If you want to join us for coffee, Christian will bring a water heater and coffee but its BYO-Mug)
Photos of the Previous LAN Party here --->
Pictures by crossfuujin - Photobucket
Brought to you by
BFWGaming - By Gamers, For the Gamers